Woofstock : Day 2
(June 14, 2009)
Dad and Mom couldn't make up their mind if they wanted to take '3 kids' all together
to Woofstock on Day 2 day because of all the hectic and rush jobs
they had to go through on Day 1!
A split second, they thought to take only our brudder.
"Hello??? This was the pawty for us doggies!! What were they thinking??"
Anyway.... at the last minutes, dad said "Ohooooooooooook..
Let's take everyone!"
Woof! :) Woof :)
We were on the passenger seat.
"We're back to the pawty!"
We parked our car near St. Lawrence Market and there were already many doggies
who were ready to go to the event.
"Shall we come by the market to get some cheese and meat after the pawty?"
so we were looking for her everywhere but we didn't see her.
We were hoping to see her on Day 2......
Guess what, her mom S spotted us!!!!
(Momo) "It's wonderful to see you again, shelby!"
(Pinot) "I am next to my DREAM GIRL!!"
taken placed at Le Meridien King Edward Hotel!.
OMD, they were everywhere in the media....
Have a look at this video at The Globe and Mail.
"Aren't they beautiful???"
(picture courtesy of Torontoist)
(Pinot) "Is shelby really taken?? :* I can't face to the camera."

We wanted to see Shelby's another appearance but our little brudder was
overwhelmed so we had to leave the pawty earlier.....
Hello Momo &Pinot - what a story, what a day - what beautiful pictures. I looked at them with a little smile over my Hoviface. But I think - that´s was a great day and after that a wonderful swimm into the sea. I love it to - but not in to deep water. We stayed some days with sunny and very hot weather at the beach in Holland. Most of the day I was in the shaddow of our cottage on the cold green meadow. Late in the evening we walked near the waterline. Fotos will follow.
Have a wonderful weekend
So long wuff wuff
beautiful day!
you sure enjoys a lot. :-)
how i wish i am thheerree...
Whew! How could your humans think about not taking you to Woofstock?!
Am so glad you went coz we would have missed out on seeing all the fun with you! Wow - Woofstock really is such a great event for doggies! But..were there any *big* dogs there, Momo & Pinot? I seem to only see little dogs in your photos! Aren't there any big dogs like me in Toronto??
Honey the Great Dane
What a great event! We have never heard of a public doggie event spanning two days in New Zealand.
w00fs, u pups sure had fun...heehee little hooman brudders tire out easy...
b safe,
Momo & Pinot,
My mom's cousin Todd has a very beautiful cav named Coco. Mom has a funny picture of Coco on her work computer that she'll try to post soon so you can see her. I bet she'd love to go to that cav party (too bad we live pretty far away). Glad you dawgs got to go to Woofstock again!
What a pawtastic event..Pinot I'm so sowwy youw dweam giwl Shelby is taken, but wif youw good looks and stellaw pawsonality I'm suwe othew bootiful giwls awe lining up to win youw heawt.
Congwatulations to Shelby and Hew Coquette.
I hThink the swim pwobably helped ease youw pain Pinot.
Momo sissie, I hope ou got to get some yummie cheese at the end of the festivities
smoochie kisses
Hi, Momo and Pinot!
Sure you had a pawesome day!
ending it with a nice splash!
Sorry about Shelby, Pinot!
Kisses and hugs
Momo! Pinot! Woofstock looked wicked. What fun!! The weddings haaaa!!! Did Shelby get a big diamond ring from Coquette Pinot?I didn't see one, maybe it was all for show and not real and there's hope for you.
Cherry Beach looks a wonderful place for a swim and I loved the view of Toronto too.
I've linked you new pals. Have a wagging week!
Wiry wag and kissies Eric xxx
Such an interesting and fun day!
Hey Momo and Pinot - it was great to see you and meet James for the first time at Woofstock and it's so nice to be mentioned in your blog! Thanks for cheering me on in those two contests - unfortunately, I lost! Oh well, I already got the grand prize... So, I know about that cavi playday at PawsWay and I'm going! Hope you are too. Oh - Pinot, mine is an open marriage......
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Momo & Pinot,
I posted the funny picture of my "cousin" Coco the Cav! Come by and see her and smile :)
Wow you got to visit a 2-day pawty?! That's awesome!
wow, that looked like so much fun!
guess what? maxy is a daddy! come check out the photos when you get a chance!
all 3 would be a bit handful to handle i reckon. anyway, glad you all get to go. :D
wet wet licks
Happy Canada Day!!!
Hope you had a good one!
p.s. I tagged you on my recent blog (the Canada day blog).
Momo & Pinot!
Looks to me like Woofstock was a blast. Shelby is a cutie. I can see why you're so enamored with her, Pinot.
By the way, is that Pinot on the CKC Playday ad? It looks like him.
Glad you guys got to have such a good time altogether, and that you, Pinot, got to top off the day with a nice swim. You look so at home in the water... like a fuzzy fishy.
Goober love & smooches,
Pee S
I think I could really meditate with Baby James if we ever meet.
Hey Momo and Pinot what a pawsome day you had!! would like to Congrat to Shelby and Coquette! They look great together! But I'm sorry about your dream girl, Pinot ><"!
Big licks
Amber d Chi!!
It's fun to follow you to the Woofstock.
Baby James couldn't stay awake the whole time, what an angelic face!
That cowboy Chihuahua is super cute, great taste Pinot!
Shelby and Cocette have a real wedding, wow! I keep dreaming then!
Love y'all
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