Happy Father's Day!
Let us show you our typical walky. We receive all sort of comments from humans
but what most of them do is giving us a BIG smile.

(Pinot) I am busy carrying my frisbee... but I have to stop here....
"Ok....everybody ready??"
Happy Daddy's Day!!
We love you DAD!!!!
ps: Hey, this is our little brudder's first post! :)
Happy Father´s Day to your dad!
Congrats on your little brudder's first post!
Momo ,Pinot and baby James
I think you have one of the bestest Daddis on the planet..I hope he has a wondewful day wif all of you
smoochie kisses
Momo, Pinot & Baby James!!
Happy father's day to your dad. He's the BEST, and I think your little caravan would do nothing but make everyone smile who sees you walking down the street.
Momo, do you and Pinot pull the baby carriage like a dog sled? It kind of looks like it.
Goober love & smooches,
Hello Momo and Pinot, thanks for visiting my blog with your footprints...;-))
May I set a link to this - I mean your blog?
So long - we keep in touch - hugs from a big dog to two smart - very cute dogs in canada.
Thanks for your compliments.
Lol... does Pinot carry his frisbee everywhere?? Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to Momo&Pinot and Baby James' great Dad!
Congrats on your first post, baby James, we looking forward to read more of your coming posts!
Do you carry your frisbee everywhere, Pinot?
Love ya lots
Happy Father's Day to your Dad!
Kisses and hugs
Happy father's day to your dad! We hope you're walking him straight to the ice cream parlour!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Father's Day!! Did you know that the Father's Day is in September in New Zealand? It seems different coutries have their Father's Day at different times of year. Interesting, isn't it?
It's great to read Momo & Pinot's human brudder's post!
That is a terrific photo of you all! *grins* Happy Father's Day to your Dad, and congrats for your litle brother's first post! *grins*
Hi Momo & Pinot, thanks for visiting my blog - link is done - so long until next time. I will enjoying some days at the seaside in Holland.
Hey guys....hope ya had a great FAther's Day...nice ta get a glimpse of yer brother, James, there.....bet he's gettin' big....Pap 'n Gram went ta brother Scott's place fer a cookout yesterday.....Parker is really gettin' big....'n his Mom is goin' ta have another baby in September....boy will he be surprised.....hope ya all have a great week....
Dewey Dewster here...
Aw, Pinot - you are just so adorable the way you carry your Frisbee everywhere!!!
Great first post for Baby James...it looked like a great walk!
Honey the Great Dane
Hope your Pop had a wonderful Father's Day!
Pinot, you are a piece of work carrying that frisbee all over the place. It makes our Pop laugh when he sees you :-) Hugs to Baby James.
Shelly & Tommy
Hi Sha shi bu ri!!! Momo & Pinot!!! Did i say it correctly? Correct me if I am wrong! Miss u two so much *big hugs!
Happy Father's Day!! love the shot!
big licks
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