Yappy! We finally finally feel warm air is coming into our town!
What we didn't have to wear winter coat this morning was nice but grrr.....
Melting snow reveals SO many frozen poops everywhere!
Here's me, a VERY unhappy Momo this morning.
"I didn't want to walk in the pond."
We received this card in our mail box a few days prior to the romantic day.
"Who could be the sender?"

This was actually an ad of one real state representative who is a Cavalier daddy.
back in the summer of 2009. (Our post is here.)
We thought this was a nice way to send out your message since all representatives' flyers look the same. :D :D
"So Brian, can you please organize that event again??"

Our brudder made this St. Valentine's card at daycare and made our mom a big smile.

Many humans probably went out for romantic dinner
BUT our humans weren't able to.. Instead they decided to do something for everyone at home.

Chef daddy made this pawtastic seafood dinner for three humans.
Mom's huge plate.

Our brudder also got his own plate.

Here's mom's request to dad:
Cristini with a layers of Scallops, Gorgonzola and Baffallo Mozzarella.

Then dad BBQ'd chicken just for us.
Mom said this is a special Valentine's BBQ chicken.
"Does it really look like a heart shaped meat?!?"
Be patient... patient... patient..
Everyone's favourite time: It's time for desert!
You probably notice there are tons of Chocolate covered goddies here.
Mom and dad bought a Hazelnuts chocolate cake and chocolate covered strawberries
for our brudder in the morning.
Yap, sadly they forgot to pick up something good for doggies in the morning.

Mom felt very very guilty (which she should!).
Mom and brudder went back to the store and picked up two mini non-chocolate cupcakes
and three chocolate mini cupcakes.

Made of real sugar.. but it's ok for a special occasion!

We hope you enjoyed St. Valentine's Day!

Dad never forget to send a bouquet to mom on a special occasion... a very very pretty one.
This year, he ordered it online and guess what! It didn't arrive on time.
Mom was still happy to hear his effort even if he was a bit annoyed.
Next day, these pretty red roses were delivered to our house. :) :)

Momo & Pinot/J & R