Monday, October 27, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Good luck, mom!

****** Happy belated 2nd Anniversary!! ******
Mom forgot about this important day. On the 15th, we marked the 2nd
anniversary of our blog! We're so thankful to have met many many friends.
Pleased click here to view our first page of our blog and
here to view my first anniversary page.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
This past weekend was so boootiful. It was about 23C and nice and sunny. We were
all out together at the same time in our nearest park and spent a few hours there.

This was the only time that she gave her hand to dad
during the preparation. She needed to look after our brudder for a long time
after this photo was taken.

Thank you very much dad for our wonderful dinner! You're the BEST!! :) :)

Thank you Mango for your generous offer to let us pick the awards you had been received.
We picked this Gold Paw Award!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
We would love to pass this award onto BenBen , Goofy,
Bailey and Maen, Stanislaw, Niamh and Amber-Mae.
*** Faya met ME during her walky ***
Faya and Dyos had a very nice walky in this booootiful village called MiĆØge on past Sunday.
(pls click here to find its gorgeous scenery on her blog.).
She said during her walky, she found ME! I even didn't know I have a place there and it looks like I have my own vineyard backyard which is my mom's dream. :P
(Photo: courtesy of Faya's blog)
*** James in his new outfit ***
Do you remember we received cute outfits for James (Pls click here) from
Stanley,Stella and their Girl? :)
Mom finally finally took some photos while James was awake.
We think this clothes looks pawsome on him.

You know.. the light thought the window emphasized his hairless head
and mom doesn't know how to airbrush that area. hehehehe :D
Momo & Pinot/J & R
Thursday, October 02, 2008
This photo was taken a few weeks after Pinot's arrival in last November.
Look how tiny he was!! He was only 1.1kg (2.4 lb) at 8 week old.
(Momo) "He makes me look HUGE!"
Compared to Momo, Pinot is still small but..
"I am no longer puppy!!! YAY YAY"
We put these cool bandannas on which were pressies from Stanley and Stella and
ready for the barkday bash!Our dad, the chef, prepared one of our appetizers, fillet Mignon as our request. :)
This photo is blurry but can you see fillet Mignon and some Sea scallops
that mom requested??
While mom took pictures, we supervised our Chef.
Pinot Pizza No.1 (Top) - Our first Seafood Pizza!
Ingredients are.... Baby scallops, smoked salmon, boccontini &Gorgonzola cheese,
capers and baby spinach.
Pinot Pizza No.2 (bottom)
Ingredients are... Prosciutt, portabello mushroom, goat & Brie cheese, cantaloupe.
Two pizzas were places on the stones and waited to be cooked
in the big avocado (please click here)... No... BBQ.
After 20 minutes, dad returned from the balcony and showed us one of Pinot Pizzas.
Close up.
Mom hold Pinot to take a peak at the pizza together.
Seafood pizza was cooked nicely in the BBQ.
Then dad put some baby spinach on top.
While Pinot's pawty, our brudder slept quietly.

before her trip. Thank you so much, Asta!
Myspace Glitter Graphics
Momo & Pinot/J & R