Tuesday, August 26, 2008

BBQ, Please!!
"Dad, you said we'll enjoy BBQ when this Big Green Egg (which is behind us)
was delivered to our place two weeks ago!
(Mom calls it's a giant avocado!)
Then we received another delivery which was our little brudder, James.
This has been wonderful
we're still waiting to try your fillet Mignon and seafood kebabs that
you promised to prepare for us!" :)
Thank you very much for your very kind comments on our last post.
Our brudder is doing very well and keeps our pawrents VERY busy.
They seem to have only one meal a day lately.
They haven't got a chance to help us
visiting your blogs but we hope to come by and say woof one day soon.
We miss you all.
Momo & Pinot/J & R


Lacy said...

w00f's Momo and Pinot, hmm Pinot iz almost as big as u, Momo...glad ur little brudder iz doing so well, he sure iz a cutie...now iffin u 2 had thumbs u cood fire up the grill and make ur dinner urselves...how cool wood that b...

b safe,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

a BBq pawty to celebrate the arrival of the new baby will be great

Asta said...

Momo and Pinot
I love the way youw new big avocado looks..I'm suwe when youw pawents get a little time, they will make the bewtest BBQ fow you!
I'm so glad youw bootiful little bwuvvew is doing well..take good cawe of youw pawents, they must be vewy tiwed
loveand smoochiekisses
ASTA sissy

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Ooh...a BBQ sounds really nice! Hope you get to sample those yummy food that your parents will make when it happens!


Boo Casanova said...

hi momo & pinot, don't worry about visiting us. your mom and dad must be having their hands full now. a bbq will have to wait! when is mom allowed to feast on all the good stuff in a bbq??

wet wet licks


Poodle Soup said...

Hey Dudes, that BBQ looks fantastic, I hope you get some juicy nice steaks soon. Mamam is expecting a baby too next month. Im being a good big brudda and helping her out by giving her lotsa cuddles and love. She said I can also ride in the pram, I get the front seat of course!!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you picked a good spot for the BBQ.

Simba x

Niamh said...

I guess you will have to wait for a barbeque dinner until your little brother gets on a schedule. Glad to hear that he is doing well.

Your friend,

Dewey Dewster said...

Momo & Pinot...

Having a baby bruvver is very time consuming....but they're so cute and sweet ya gotta love 'em.....we got ta see baby Parker on Sunday....he's 6 months old now......hope ya have time ta enjoy that barbeque....that looks like a super place ta cook it....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Anonymous said...

これでBBQは んっま~~! なのでぜひ冬でも使ってくださいね。

Pippa said...

Thanks for your comment, no worries about not visiting blogs though. We all need a break, even misery mistress. And she doesn't even have any little babies for an excuse.

Stanislaw said...

Is your mini bro fun? Have you trained him to give you non-stop belly rubs yet?

I've heard that mini humans require a lot of feeding... I didn't know that they came with an avocado grill! Delish!

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

The giant advocado hahahahahaha it does look like that.
glad your brother is doing well congrates to your mum and dad.

Hope you have fun with the BBQ.

Ludo the cool dude.

Islay said...

Yum -steak please! If your humans are not going to pay attention to you, you should throw a party for all of your animal friends - always worked for me, and the huamns never had a clue!

licks & smoochies,

Amber-Mae said...

I'm sure the new arrival is keeping your pawrents very very busy...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Harry said...

James is utterly adorable, you must all be burstnig with pride and excitement!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Toffee said...

Oh my!
That DOES look like one big avocado! That would make A LOT of guacamole you know! Hey! I will bring the nacho chips anytime you want to have a guacamole fiesta!

Hello to James!

Stanley said...


Maybe you two can learn to fire up the grill for yourselves... then you could BBQ for your mama and dad too.

Your mama is right. It DOES look like a big green avocado.

Goob love & more smooches,

Ben & Darling said...

er...why not you have your own BBQ, you can invite us over & have some party while your hooman busy with our lil hooman brudder. hehe

slurpy lick,

Oscar said...

Congratulations on your little brother! He looks so sweet! I am sure you will be good dog siblings and watch over him! The cookout sounds like fun. When your daddy finally cooks, can I come?!

the many Bs said...

hi Momo & Pinot, we can't wait for your barbeque. your little bruzzer, James, is really cute. he can come to the BBQ too!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Momo and Pinot!
Don't worry. We all understand you don't have much free time now!
I hope you have that BBQ soon!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

OMG, Momo! We saw a doggie that looked just like you on Nantucket and I was just awful to her! I barked and lunged and gave her a piece of my mind and all the time mom was telling me that it was you and to please be nice!
We're so glad to be back from vacation!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Momo darling....

Send you a big hug

Asta said...

Happy Birfday Dawling Sissy Momo!!!!
I hope you have a faboolous day playing wif youw two bwuvvews and getting lots of tweats and kisses
smoochie kisses
ASTA siss

Anonymous said...

That is one neat looking BBQ. I hope you got your kabobs guys! I don't think I've ever had BBQ. I should ask Mom and Dad to make me some tonight! XOXO Peanut

Jans Funny Farm said...

We just heard it's Momo's birthday today. We notice it's tomorrow, but since we got the news from Momo kitty and it's already tomorrow there ....

Happy Birthday, Momo! We don't want to forget to come back tomorrow.

Hope all of you, including your lil brudder, are doing well.

Sassy Kat said...

Congratulations you the arrival of your new little brother, he sure is a cutie and oh so tiny.
Now I sure hope your get your BBQ stuff asap!

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Birthday Momo! We know - we are a day too early but we will have to leave the computer soon but we didn't want to miss congratulating you!
Mrs. OZ and Tintin, and Karl sends his best from Africa!

Duke said...

Happy birthday, Momo! We hope you get lots of treats and ice cream!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Thor and Jack said...

Happy Birthday, Momo! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Love and licks