Welcome back to Toronto, Toffee's mom and dad!
We had very special visitors from Boston.
Toffee and Riley's mom & dad had a short visit here in Toronto and
spent some time with us!
The weather wasn't the bestest in the morning but by the time we met at Starbucks,
it was turned out sunny! :)
I Momo had a delightful time with them a year ago but I Pinto needed to take a rest
after a big boy surgery so this was a happy opportunity to meet them for both of us together at the first time.
"Ahhh.. happy reunion!"
(Momo) "Pinot, you're wet and covered by mud!"
(Pinot) "What? What? I am so happy now!"

"Hello Hello!!!"

Glad they got home safely.
Simba and Jazzi xx
I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much to leave you a few nice words for each post but I did read them all. Please forgive me, the last few weeks was so stressful to us!
What a pawsome visit from Toffee and Riley's pawrents, I could feel happiness and love is in the air!
Thanks for telling us about the doghouse wine, we like their website.
Love ya lot
What a fun visit! Maybe Big Pupi and I can swim across Lake Michigan and come visit you in Canada too!
w00fs, wow how nice to meet Toffee and Rileys hoomans...and they sure brought sum great pressies..
b safe,
Hi Momo sissie and Little Pinot
I heawd all about youw tewwific visit and how gweat Pinot is at fwisbee and how adowable youw hooman bwuvvew is on the swing.
I wish I could have been thewe too
smoochie kisses
Hi Momo & Pinot!
it looks like you both had a great time with your visitors! It's so much fun when friends come over to play! And you got some very nice presents too!
:) Tibby
Wow, that was a great reunion! We hope you will be able to see Toffee too in September!
Oh I love reunions! Looks like you had a fun time. So, are you guys coming to Woofstock? If you do, be sure to check out the fashion show in Berzky Park at noon on Saturday and Sunday. Why? Because I'm in the show! And did you hear the news? I got married last Sunday at the King Eddy Doggie High Tea Wedding! It was on the news and in several newspapers! So sorry pinot - I'm taken now!
Me again. I keep forgetting how to make my name show in my posts! So, it's me Shelby who just wrote to you about Woofstock and getting married!
Looks like you all had a pawesome time!
Thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs
Excellent fun - how nice to meet up with other dog peeps.
And maybe next time the pups will come too.
What a nice visit you had from Toffee's mom and dad and what awesome gifts that brought you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Momo and Pinot, I wagged over to meet you! Looks like you had the bestest time with my pupcake Toffee's Mom and Dad!And wooo - wickedly good presents too!!
Wiry wags to you and the cute leggeded human brother of yours too. Eric xx
Looks like you had a good time, I like all your photos. Hope you have a nice weekend.
what a great day you have...
love the photos.. :-)
Pluto the GSD
Hope you guys had a fun time with their pawrents!
Solid Gold "Actress"
wow, that certainly looked like a fun time!
Thank you for visiting my blog! Sorry I am late in commenting!
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxx
Wow! The visit with Toffee and Riley's people looks like so much fun. Love all those toys and treats.
Your friend,
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