Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Woofstock 2009 : DAY 1!
"Where are we going??"
Woof Wooooooooooof, Woofstock! (Link is here)
The annual outdoor pawty for doggies and their humans
in Toronto!! We always look forward to participate.
Dad and mom told us that the trip to the event this year could be a bit difficult coz of our additional family member. They weren't sure if we were able to make it to this fun event but mom finished our pup's needs while dad trimmed our paws. :) They quickly packed all kids (ha!) in the car and took off! We made it! Phew! Many happy two leggies and four leggies were waiting to see the Dog Trick contest on the stage. "Where is dad?!?" We met many friendly human pups, too! The gangs! :) Cool! We met this cute Cavalier girl. We didn't get her name. :(
Whoa, this dude has cool Doogles.
We believe this team was the champion of the costume contest last year.
This doggie reminded us of our friend Lorenza!
"Where can we find a nice hat like that??"
I Pinot carry MY beloved frisbee everywhere everyday. This day was no exception.
Our human brudder was very tired after a while
so we had to leave the pawty earlier than we expected.
Instead, we had a nice walkly at a little quieter dog friendly beach in town, Cherry Beach.
"Can you see Toronto skyline??"
It was a very warm afternoon. I Pinot had to cool myself down!
"Refreshing! Sissy, you're missing something!!" :)
(I know her secret!! :D She only swam once in her life by accident!!!)
Stay turned for Day 2.
Momo & Pinot/J & R


Stanley said...

Momo & Pinot!!

I have missed you two (my girl has been VERY lazy recently and now I have several posts of yours I still haven't read)!

Looks like Woofstock was a blast! You two always look so cool together. I bet you get lots of people wanting to pet you and check you out.

Pinot, I too am a swimmer, but not anywhere as good as you. I especially like that look on your face as you got out of the water ~ lots of attitude there.

Can't wait to read the rest of your posts and catch up on what you've been doing!

Goober love & smooches,

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Momo & Pinot
What a great name for a festival hehe Woofstock, very clever. Looks like they had a great turnout.
Your weather looks so much better than ours. We haven't seen the sun in a while and it's cold. Of course not as cold as your winters but cold enough for us hehe.
You're a very good swimmer Pinot.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Niamh said...

What a great fun event! I am glad you and your family were able to go and see the contests and meet the other nice dogs. That beach looks great. You are an excellent swimmer Pinot!

Your friend,

FleasGang said...

That really looked like a lot of fun! But Pinot, your swimming ability is pawesome!! We were at our lake over the weekend and neither of us even got our paws wet!!

Shelly & Tommy

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You had fun in the Woofstock, too many cool things there but the coolest thing is your swimming, Pinot!
Yeah, I watch your clip over and over to learn your style, love it, man!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a super pawtastic place to visit!
Why don't we have anything like that here?
Great swimming too Pinot!
~lickies, Ludo

Amy said...

Wow! This looks like so much fun - we're going to put this on our calendar for next year. I hope we can make it! Thanks for the post.

Pedro said...

Momo & Pinot,

Wow, looks like you had a great day at Woofstock! I wish we had a Woofstock here where I live. Woodstock is about 4 hours away, but that's a whole other time & place... Beautiful beach for swimming!


Asta said...

Momo and Pinot
What a tewwific event..so many doggies and hooman pups to meet.
I bet youw little hooman bwuvvew got pwetty sneepy wif all that excitement.
That beach is vewy cool and you, Pinot awe a champion swimmew..I had no idea..you should be in the pawlimpics fow suwe!
smoochie kisses

The Cat Realm said...

What a day! What an event! We are exhausted just by watching it...
Thank you for coming to Bora Bora for Karl and Ruis' first anniversary! They sure appreciated that!
Mrs. OZ

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Looks like a fun day out for all. I don't swim either. Momo-sissy, that makes two of us! Of course there ARE two of us.

Lorenza said...

I wish I could be there with you!
Sure you had a pawesome time!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, that was a great party! Woofstock is sure an apt name for it! *grins* You all look like you had loads and loads of fun! Can't wait to hear about day 2!


Cinnamon and Mint said...

Love the name of the beach you visited after the pawty!

Duke said...

Woofstock looks like a whole lot of fun!
You look pretty drenched there, Pinot! hehehe

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Momo & Pinot,
Thanks for dropping by my blog..
you seems to have a wonderful day there, with lots of friends.

What a good swimmer you are! i've never swim before :-(

of course you could link to my blog, i added you to my blog as well.


Jans Funny Farm said...

That looks like a fun day. Too bad Momo didn't join you in the water.

Mason Dixie said...

what a great day, and the water to cool off in!!! sounds like a winner to me. =)

Unknown said...

Hi Momo & Pinot,

Wow - what a great day you had! That Woofstock event looks really cool - love all the pictures you got of the other doggies in their costumes!

And hey, Pinot - you're a great swimmer!! I've only recenlty learnt to swim, as you may have seen on one of my posts a while back - so I'm not as brave as you - maybe one day! :-) It looked realy hot in the video - so weird coz we're in mid-winter now and it's really chilly here!

Oh, thank you for telling us about your humans meeting up with Ombre's humans - Hsin-Yi spoke to Ombre's human this morning and they said that they so enjoyed meeting you. I can't wait until the doggies have their first meeting and see the pictures!! :-) I'm sure Ombre would love to go to Cherry Beach! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Shelby said...

Hey Momo and Pinot - it was pawsome to see you guys and your humans too at Woofstock! What a great weekend - I think Woofstock has always had great weather every year. I say, if you want to guarantee great weather for an event, make it the same time as Woofstock! So, Pinot - you are a great swimmer! I learned to swim last year at Cherry Beach, but I'm really not that into it - it's really my mom's thing - she's the one who wants me to swim, but she doesn't even swim - what's up with that? So, hope to see you out and about - have a super summer!

Lacy said...

w00fs, nice fun trip u all had to woofstock, wish we had that here too...and the water lookes very inviting..

b safe,

the many Bs said...

hi Momo & Pinot, that swimming video of you, Pinot, is very cool. you are a good swimmer! that's the smart way to get cool.

Woofstock looks like a lot of fun, but very crowded. were there treats there for you?


C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi guys!!
Oh you are so lucky to be at Woofstock! I really wanted to go - we are so close to it but a little to far I guess.
Have fun for us too, ok?!

Boredlittleflower said...

Pinot! You look so cute with your security frisbee. hehe!

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Looks like you had an amazing day!
