I got a NEW frisbee!!!! :)
It's been a little while since we left our pawprints on your blog... our friends!
Our chief-editor mom NEVER..
N.E.V.E.R helped us to update our diary...
NEVER helped us to visit you...
Her excuse is always the same....
"Your brudder has kept me and daddy busy.. blah blah blah blah blah...."
Mom.. that's enough!
Anyway.. our pawrents got me Pinot a new frisbee the other day.

"Throw that frisbee dad!"
Yes, I carry my frisbee all the time while we are out.
When I have to keep eye on my brudder, my frisbee takes a break.

Mmm.. my frisbee needs to take shower...
"Ah... a stick! This little human knows what I love!"
how to play with a stick!"
We're tagged to list our treat/bucket list from our friends Toffee.
Here's our list:
1: Get us.. rather me Pinot a frisbee(s) :)
2: Help us to visit all our friends' blogs to say hello on regular basis
3: Get us fresh meat and cook it nicely often
4: Cheese from deli would be a nice alternative!
5: Don't forget to get a baguette along with cheese!
6: Cook fillet Mignon in our giant avocado (click here) every once in a while....
5: Cuddle us all the time :) :)
Have a good weekend, everyone!!!
Oh baby James stands up by himself, bravo. This' the first time I see our little man standing tall on his feet, how wonderful. He looks like your dad like 2 rain drops! I bet he's chasing you all over the house, Momo&Pinot
I like your new frisbee too, it looks so cheerful, makes you smile right away!
And where's your old one?
Love y'all
James is mobile now ay? He's going to be so much fun with you guys! Pinot you look so cute when u hv that frisbee or stick in ur mouth. U enjoy fetching frisbee? We always run away when playing fetch. Is 'fetch' another word for 'take'?
Kisses, Baileys & Maen
Wow, you all really have a good time huh? Well back to your question....My Mom and dad went for a pilgrimage in Japan near Mt fuji and to attend a religious ceremony at their head temple. After which they were in Tokyo to shop and eat... so envy..Why cant I go...hmpff...
Btw, can my mummy email your mummy to clarify some Japanese words? Meanwhile, can ask two first? hee...*roll eyes* hoomans are so troublesome.
What is the meaning of the following?
1) yo ro gon de ru yo
2) su goii ya dan ne
Tankies tankies :)
OK, you guys are too funny! My mom is sitting here reading and laughing out loud! I had to come over to see what all the fuss was about! So nice to see little James taking charge! You go James! Have a great weekend!
What a great frisbee!
I hope your Mom finds more time to help you post more!
James be getting so big now!
~lickies, Ludo
Hi, Momo and Pinot!
Your brother has grown a lot! Sure is nice to go out with him for walkies!
That frisbee looks pawesome! I am sure you have lots of fun with it, Pinot!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
Good to see all of you (except mom, the photographer) again. Looks like a fun day!
Hi Momo and Pinot!
Looks like you all had a great time. Those pictures are wonderful. You all look so beautiful. James are getting so big. Your frisbee is very cool, Pinot.
Hi Momo and Pinot, that´s a very important job - a little dog take such a smiling ;-)) frisbee. Good boy - and the way home was perhaps very long.
But lots of fun on a beautiful day. Smart fotos from you both and the little "brother" too.
Good boy - best wuff-wuffregards over the big ocean from
who was visiting old churches and an old castle in the south of Germany.
Have much fun with your friend and with this wondrful toy.
WOW baby James has grown :) he is a cutie
we had to stop by coz we miss you guys so much. Such a fun day you had there. thanks for sharing
maltese paws
Your new Smiley frisbee is so cool! I want to see you catching it, in motion!
Hi Momo & Pinot,
Yes, you must tell your human to help you post more often - we want to hear more about your adventures!!!
Congrats on your new frisbee! I love that picture of you playing with your frisbeee and your ears all flying up...and it's so cute the way you like to carry it everywhere!! :-)
Hey, baby James is standing and walking already? Wow! Time is passing so fast!!
Honey the Great Dane
A new frisbee! We love it! Mom even showed dad how cute your frisbee was with the smiley face : )
Guess what!! We got a new car - so I am definitely making it up in September (sept 25 - 28) to see you.
I am so excited!!!!!!
hello to your mom and dad and brudder!
Momo and pinot,
Please go visit and clap your paws cheering up for Snowy&Crystal 3 years blogging, http://maltesepaws.blogspot.com/
thanks pal.
hi kiddos, your brother, James, is getting really big and what a cutie he is! that's so cool that you can all play together. you will have him trained very soon!
omdog, from new frisbee to a dirty frisbee. :D i wonder how long does it take?
wet wet licks
Thanks for the Blogoversary wishes guys :)
Maltese Paws
I think if I tried to carry that frisbee around I'd tip over! Your brother is getting so big!!!
Your new frisbee is almost as cute as you two and your baby bro. Doggies, I'm well impressed with the training too. Seems it's coming on well looking at the stick photo. What treats do you use? Seems I need to use more on getting Mom to visist my friends quicker!
Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xx
Fab news that Toffee is okey dokey isn't it?
Hey, missing you two lots!!! Little James is growing up fast. Looking more like a toddler than a mere baby now.
Yes, my SS has also been neglecting me and my visiting duteis :(
Great Frisbee! Our staff doesn't even have the excuse of a little human - they still don't help us a lot lately!
Your human brother has gotten BIG!!!! He is very cute. Not as cute as the two of you though...
Oh Pinot....what a nice frisbee...'n I can tell ya really like it too....
OOOOOOHHHHHH, how big yer brudder James is gettin' ta be.....'n cute as a button too....naw....much cuter than that fer sure....adorable....standin' up 'n walkin' too...I think he's gonna teach ya a lot real soon.....first thing you'll learn is what Fred 'n Georger do when Parker goes ta grab 'em........RUN !!!!!!
Dewey Dewster here......
Hey momo and pinot!
Looks like you had a fun day with that frisbee!
lotsa love
Gosh! James is such a cutie pie!
Love, Baileys & Maen
You and your frisbee's! We hope you didn't loose your old one. Before you know it, James will be tossing you that frisbee if he keeps growing like he is!
Shelly & Tommy
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