Sunday, May 03, 2009

A tribute to two sweet friends.
Hello there! There is a couple of things we'd love to share with you.
This news came as a surprise and our hearts stopped.
One of our dear friends Charlie in Australia has gone over the bridge recently.
She is one of our friends who has shared so many adventures with us.
A St. Patrick Day Tour to Ireland, doing first acting job together for CCSI,
a Tour in Berlin, the boat trip to Florida... these are all good memories.
And.. how can we forget the Diamond Jubilee Barkday Extravaganza in 2007?
Thank you Charlie for being our friend! You will be remembered by all of us.
The image below is her 15th barkday pawty last year.
(courtesy of Charlie's blog)

The other sad news is what our auntie Shieta in Japan passed away lately due to her old age.

You might remember her on our report from Japan: Part 2. (← here)

She was 13 years old and her vet thought she looked very good for her age.

She was a very good girl and enjoyed being our grandpawrents' company.

The pictures below were taken when our human bro was still in our mom's tummy back in May 2008.

Charlie, Shieta, run free and do whatever you enjoy the most. Thank you for giving us tremendous amount of love, happiness and joy.

Ok.. we also have a pleasant news which we've received from Honey in New Zealand.

Thank you so much, Honey. We LOVE your blog and we think your blog is Pawsome!

Oh, yes......, one more thing.

Our mom FINALLY helped us to change the layout of our blog.

"What do you think?"

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Momo & Pinot/J & R

Note: Thanks, Jan and Ludo for letting us know about the funny look on our new layout.

We can't fix the problem so we got back the 'pink' layout for now.


Pippa said...

Charlie will be very much missed, she was a good friend to lots of us.

Sorry to hear about Shieta too, she looks like a beautiful dog.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Momo and Pinot!
I am so sad too for Charlie. But she is now young again and running free at the Bridge.
I am so sorry for Shieta too.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Jans Funny Farm said...

We love the new look of your blog. The header is adorable. But we wonder if something in your sidebar is oversized. Because we had to scroll to below the sidebar entries to find your posts.

We are sorry about Shieta. She is so pretty in those photos.

And ... What can we say about Charlie. She left wonderful memories and is greatly missed!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I be so sorry about the losses of your friend and family. :(
I sad for Charlie too. :(
Your new layout look great, but I had the same trouble with the sidebar too.
~lickies, Ludo

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.

Simba and Jazzi xxxx

Stanislaw said...

Isn't is strange that these sorts of things seem to come in pairs and threes? We are sorry for your loss and the passing of your friends.

We hope they are having as much fun playing frisbee as you were in your last post up over the rainbow bridge.

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee guys....

Everywhere we go we hear sad news about friends crossin' the bridge....we hope all their families are doin' OK and that they have a great time at the bridge....

How's James doin' ? Baby Parker is walkin' up a storm and growin' teeth like crazy, slobberin' a lake and always sick.

Well, the 2 of ya look fine and dandy and we hope yer enjoyin' some nice weather finally....this winter seemed ta wear out it's welcome.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I am so sorry to hear the passing of Shieta. It was a shock to learn of Charlie's passing - SS was away at the time and we only knew about it much later from Sassy's email.

We not not blogging or visiting much lately due to home internet problem (again) and that SS is busy trying to look for a job. Not much luck so far.

Toffee said...

I am so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your friends. Hopefully your happy memories will help you through this time.

See you in June? June 7th or 8th??


Pedro said...

Momo & Pinot,

It is so sad to lose our friends. I think I told you this on a previous post but Shieta looks so much like my brother Ziggy. Shieta was a beautiful girl!


wocean said...


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Oh sorry to hear your sad sad news .
I'm sure they will be missed.
Thinking of you and your family.

Ludo the cool dude.

Kana said...

I am so sad to hear about Shieta and Charle. My mom told me she met Shieta 4 years ago and She looked so graceful.
I hope they are having good time over the rainbow bridge.

Your new layout is so wonderful!
