Pinot reports in... (yay!)
The other day mom said she had something to show it to us....
especially to me Pinot! :)
So I asked my sissy to join me to pose with this something a little 'special'.
"Is this made for me?!? by the way.. this picture is very blurry, mom!"

("mom.. the lable says 'suger code 1' which means it's slighty sweet!")
but hey it's from Doghouse! Why don't you give it a try??
They also make red coloured drink as well.
Humans who make the wine support a charitable organization called
Guide Dogs for The Blinds. They must be good humans!!
Pinot reports in... and one more pose without my sissy!!
There is a newly opened small garden in our favorite park and
this is what we found.
What do you think? We can't even sniff the pretty flowers??
Does this sign mean only a tall with long leggies can't enter this garden???

What a great winery. Supporting guide dogs is a great cause..good for them!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
You look very handsome next to the wine bottle Pinot. Maybe that vineyard would put a picture of you on the bottle!
That is too bad about that pretty garden. Maybe they are afraid of dog hair or something.
Your friend,
Hi, Momo and Pinot!
The wine is pawesome! Too bad it was not very tasty for your parents!
Sorry about that garden. Not fair!
Kisses and hugs
Momo and Pinot
I love the label! but I wish they made dwy wine cause I know Mommi will nevew buy it othewise.
I think that pawk is stoopid, and useless if it doesn't let you in!
smoochie kisses
Wow - how cool, Pinot! You have a wine named after you?! (Although my humans tell me there is a sweet thing that humans eat which is named after me too! Hah!) You look so cute with that bottle! :-)
That is so unfair about the garden! I hate it when places say dogs are not allowed! Anyway, does Toronto have lots of other nice dog parks you can go to instead?
Honey the Great Dane
That wine looks awesome, how lucky you are. =) and I think that sign is not intended for small dogs, so smell away. =)
I always like to hear of companies helping out different charities, guide dogs for the blind are so loyal. Thank you for coming by and commenting.
Yes! yes! My pawrents are coming to Toronto next weekend (June 7th). Do you have time to meet on Monday morning for coffee? or a walk in the park? We want to see you and your baby brother! xoxo
pee-ess: that wine looks yummy! My mom is going to google it.
Cool, your very own wine!
Hi Momo and Pinot,
You have a wine named after you, Pinot?! It's great.
NIce wuuuh
Oh Pinot!!! I guess the wine is as sweet as you. lol
Another wine for family get-together to add to the Momo Pinot Noir from New Zealand.
Don't forget you two are invited to my graduation party on Friday
Hey guys....
Now that's a special wine and Gram will have ta look fer the sugar code next time she shops.....she just doesn't like real dry wine....Pinot Grigio is a little too dry fer her but she'll drink it sometimes......what about us, you may ask ????
We never get ANY...did ya hear me ??? Nada....not a drop....bummer.......wonder if we can find that special wine here....
Gram posted a little video of Parker fer ya taken in early April....she'll try ta get a more recent one later.....How's James????
Hiccup....hiccup.....hiccup.....eeeeewwwww maybe we got some wine after all....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Hi Momo & Pinot,
Thanks for your comment on our post!
Actually at the moment Mum has been teaching Cinnamon to hold an obejct on command. After reading your comment, she thinks it might be helpful if Cinnamon learns to do so! Thanks for nice advice.
Our mum's alias in the cyberworld is Momo! So when she found wine called Momo, she took this photo. She says it tasted refreshing.
We would be honored if you would add our names to your friends' list! Hope you don't mind us adding your names in our blog list!
Hi Momo sissie and Pinot Dawling
I'm glad you enjoyed my pictoowes. We had a lovely time seeing so many fwiends. It's vewy quiet and lonely now that they awe gone
smoochie kisses
Well, that's no fair, Momo! They should let you 2 in. You're good dogs.
Pinot, that's funny, that there's a wine named after you.
Oh you guys are sooo lucky!
We're only allowed a tongueful of champagne on New Year's Day.
Such a long wait between tastes of gold!
Dakotah & Maika
So, you had already known MOMO wine! Yes, Momo Pinot Noir would be perfect for you girls! I will let you know what it tastes like when I get to have a chance to try it.
Devonport is a beautiful town with a ferry terminal and a little mountain called Mt Victoria. I love the place!
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