Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Barkday, DAD!!!!!
Today is our dad's 336th barkday!!
On Mothers Day, dad almost made our mom cried. :)
While she was feeding our human pup brudder in the morning,
the special delivery was arrived.
Yes, dad helped our little man to celebrate mom's first Mother's Day.
Dad also had BBQ in the evening. He BBQed lots of prawns, sea scallops, fruit kebabs,
veggie kebabs and our favorite lamb kebabs! :)
(The photos will be posted on later date.)
Mom's favorite cake looked yummy but we couldn't share it!
(Can anyone make doggie chocolate cake?)
Thank you so much dad to make our mom happy.
We know you've been very very busy but
we hope you'll have a great day on your barkday!
You are the BEST dad!!!!
Momo & Pinot/J & R


Jans Funny Farm said...

Your dad is 336? Wow! He's older than Jan and all of us combined.

We wish him a very special birthday! And we hope you will be gentle when you walk your rapidly aging dad.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy 336th Barkday, Momo&Pinot Daddy!
Wow, he looks more youthful than all hoomans centenarian! Your Daddy is wonderful, I voted for him one of the most wanted Daddy on earth!
Your brudder was born last summer, on which date exactly, Momo?
About mother's day, we made our moms so happy on pet mom's day, didn't we?
I'm so sorry about your auntie Shieta's passing in Japan, she looked quite
content in that picture.
Charlie dear friend will not be forgotten!
Love ya!

Stanislaw said...

Oh my goodness. Your tiny human brother got all that stuff for your mom? He must be a very talented little man!!

Margaret Cloud said...

Happy 336th barkday to your dad,and that was nice of your dad to make your mum happy.

Duke said...

Happy birthday to your dad! That chocolate cake sure looks yummy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!
I hope you had a pawesome day!
Glad you celebrated your Mom's Day too!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

Happy Birthday to your Papa! Awww, what a sweet gentleman he is. I can understand why your Mom cried. Look at those wonderful gifts he gave to your Mama! So kool. That cake looks delicious but too bad we doggies can't have any choc.

Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a wonderful mothers day. Happy Birthday to your Dad.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Happy Barkday to your Dad. He sounds like a great Daddy to have!
~lickies, Ludo

Mason Dixie said...

Happy Birthday to your dad!! and what an awesome Mother's Day your mom had. very lucky. =)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy birthday to your dad - isn't he just a little old?????

Good on him being so thoughtful. Your mom sure deserved it.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad! The celebration cake and food sure looks and sound yummy!


Sally said...

Happy Barkday
Your just som cute on your pictures

Kana said...

Happy Birthday to your dad!!
My mom told me he is a real gentleman. You are so lucky to have such wonderful dad and mom :-)


Dewey Dewster said...

Hey Momo 'n Pinot....

What a thoughtful Dad ya have....it seems like he really LOVES yer Mom.....we can see baby James in the background....it looks like he's gettin' bigger 'n bigger all the time.....but then I guess babies do that, don't they ?

Gram fergot ta post a picture of baby Parker....but I'm gonna make sure she does next time.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Unknown said...

Oh wow - those are amazing presents and things to do! What a nice human you have! And those kebabs look delicious...even the garlic ones! hee! Hee!

Happy Birthday to your human!

Honey the Great Dane