"My First Day with My Hoooomans"
about my first day with my mom and dad.
These pictures were taken a few minutes after we met at the first time.
My mom was taking these photos using her cell phone camera
therefor the image is tiny and the quality is terrible!
"Can you see the top left picture?"
This picture is NOT cropped. My mom was excited when she met me
and cut off my dad's head. hehehehe... :)
I was supposed to be adopted by another family (Yes, I was taken!)
but luckily this family had to give me up due to their family issue.
So my hoomans were contacted and came to see me. :)
First time they saw me they were so pleased and decided to take me home.
It was November. Outside was chilly but I had this warm and good feeling. :)
This picture was taken on the way to home.
I was pooped so I took a quick nap.
My hooomans always tell me that I was a very good puppy from Day 1.
I didn't cry at all and slept good on my first night at my hooomans'.
I ate well and I was very playful.
I even didn't mind to go to the vet for my first check-up on Day 2.
"Why did we all in the kitchen?? Never mind!"
I was 2 month old. "Tiny, huh?"

Thanks for sharing about your first day with your humans! I love the pictures, and the video is just too cute! You were soooo cute as a puppy! (And you still are, of course!)
Hi, Momo
Thanks for sahring with us about your first day with your mom and dad! You were so tinny! And now you are an adorable girl!
I like to play with slippers too!
Have a good night
Awwwww... soooooo adorable! And your homans are adorable too. What adorable family it is!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You look so small in your Dad'a arms... so cute.... love those pictures.
Kisses, Faya
Momo, you're such a cute puppy. I'm glad you got to go home with your mum and dad. :) You're such a great doggie model since you're a puppy
~ Girl girl
Hey Momo.. u lovely momo.. am sure u are so much happy with ur mom n dad now.. knowing that they love you so much.. Aren't u feel like to have them?.. sure u do!
omdog, you were only slightly bigger than the slipper! i'm glad you came to live with your dad and mom; we might never have met you if you had gone to live with that first family!
Oh Momo so tiny and so very, very cute no wonder you are so beautiful now!!
Thanks for sharing your first day and it doesn't surprise me at all that you have been such a good girl right from the start :)
You are very high up, i take it you don't sit there when the window is open.
Simba xx
How did you get way up on that window sill for just a little squirt? You sure were little!
Love ya lots,
you were so pretty .... sooo adorable...
a big hug
Hi momo,
your was a adorable tiny dog!!
the photos are very pretty.
i love your close-up photo and the video.
You wewe pwecious and gowgeous fwom the vewy fiwst day!
I love the video of you with the hooge slippew..I bet youw pawents wewe in love with you fwom the fiwst moment!
I know why you were in the kitchen! It's the best place with all the yummy smells!
smoochie kisses
Oh Momo...how teeny-tiny you were!!! Thanks for reminding me about this post because Asta tagged me last week and I haven't gotten around to writing about it.
Oh MY, what a cute puppy you were, I am so glad you came to live with your mommy and daddy!!!!!!!!!!!
Frenchie snorts
How cute you were (and still are, of course!) J x
you'we such a little doll!
Thank you fow saying I was a cute puppy..I think all puppies awe cute..don't you just love hawwy?
have alovely day!
smoochie kisses
woofies momo!! i keep rememberin to put u on fends list then mama's mind wonders off..u r on there now ;)..i tell her noooo walkies today till u gets it done...
b safe,
psss, u was a cutie puppy and still a cutie...
OOOHHHH MY god!!! you was very pretty... a little doggie...Now you are an good girl, and very pretty!!! I think that your family is very nice!
Love, Chloé
wow, you were sooooo tiny. the slippers look like a giant next to you. did you knock your mom down in the end of the video??
wet wet licks
I liked hearing about your first day with your humans and seeing your baby pictures. You sure are cute. Unfortunately, all of my baby pictures are gone because our computer was stolen last year. You are a lucky little princess.
Momo Girl!
It is so strange to see you with shorter ears! You were so cute as a puppy (a preview of things to come).
Obviously, you are with the best parents you could have. Too bad for that other family who was going to adopt you. They are missing out!
Of course your first family photo was taken in the kitchen. Isn't that the main room in the house where your family lives?
Goober love,
Hi Momo,
You are so cute as a wee pup!!! You have this very cute blur look just like me when I was that age.
What a good dog you were. I was good too - I was very frightened though but I knew I would be better living with master and mistress than living on the streets. That's why I went to find them.
Momo, It's hard to imagine you any more adorable. You were insanely cute as a puppy.
Hi Momo, you were such a cute and tiny little kiddo. we love your video with the slipper. that's perfect.
How is your week? I´m bored, don´t stop to rain... i can´t go to the park... Love, Chloe
We think we all are adorable when we are puppies... or in our first days with humans. So you are...
oh...u took so many picture on ur 1st day...??
btw... thanks for tagging me...but i've already been tagged oledi..
Thanks Momos for the tags! I'm tryin' to gets my lazy butts ∆≈ off his paintin' stuffs and back on my barkin' stuffs. The BIG DUMMYS!!
I'll bark about my peeps first day with me soons. Your's was so neatos!
You are sooooooooo cute! :o)
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