Happy Barkday, mom! :)
Yesterday was my mom's barkday.
"Are these roses for me??" :)
No, no.. these are one of the pressies my dad selected for my mom.
These roses absolutely made my mom happy. When she received them at her work,
they definitely brightened her day and she didn't care the project she was working on
These are the pressies I selected for my mom! :)
A barkday card, a pearl white leash and 'good bites'
-low fat & chicken flavour treats!
I figured the leash didn't fit my mom so I decided to keep it for myself.
While my dad took my mom out for her barkday dinner last night,
I took a tour in Berlin which was guided by my new friend Charlie.
Apparently Berlin is not the only bootiful destination but also a very pet
friendly city. Tour part2 is coming soon so please come visit Charlie's blog.
A while Balboa tagged me for 'what kind of vehicle are you' game.
Sorry for the delay, Balboa, you probably don't remember what you have tagged me.

So back to the game, my answer is "MINI!"
It's small and cute but all sporty and powerful!!

Happy Birfday Momo's Mommi!!!
Those woses awe absolutely bootiful!!
Momo you won't believe this, but it was my Daddi's birfday yestewday too!! Does that mean we awe sistews??? I hope so
smoochie kisses
Happy birthday Momo's mommy. Those are bootiful roses....great choice Momo's daddy, those woman just fall for roses.
Momo, you are such a good daughter too, getting all those nice pressie for your mom. Im sure your mom love you to the most!!!
woofies momo!!!ahhh de rosies ware soooo bute ti full. and happy birfday to ur mamas....
b safe,
Hi Momo! This is MoMo. So I jumped the gun by wishing your mom a happy barkday yesterday before you made it public. Well, I guess sharing the same name entitles inside information. Beautiful roses - I would like to have sent some from our garden. Now, let's see - we have white ones, lilac ones, red and pink shades. What colour does your mom like best?
Lickies and nudges,
Happy birthday to your mum. What beautiful roses - just like you!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Happy barkday to your mum Momo - your dad is super buying her such beautiful roses!! I love the presies you chose for her as well :)
It's actually my Human Mum's barkday on Monday - how funny is that!!
Happy Birthday to your Mummy. The flowers are beautiful.
Simba xx
Happy Birthday to your mummy Momo.
Those roses are bootiful. Give her lots of hugs and kisses today ok
~ Girl girl
Happy birthday to your mom, Momo! The roses are just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Momo ! Say your Mom I wish her a happy birthday ok ? With a lot of kisses,
Happee Birthday to your Mommy! Oh, those roses are sooo bootiful! I would love to shred them but that wouldn't be nice. I'll wait till my hooman M buys some of those pweetty roses for me trim, heeeheeeeheeeeee!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey pwetty Momo!! Your daddi is so sweet to send the beautiful flowers to your mom at work. Wish a very happy birthday to your mom for me!!
Have a gweat weekend!!
Hey Momo, please wish your mum a belated happy birthday from me. J1 says those roses look really beautiful but I just think they look good enough to eat! Jx
Those flowers sure look pretty, I bet they would be fun to chew on too!
Thanks so much for your votes Momo!
woofies momo!! i hopies ur mama had a verwy fantasticly birfday!!!lots of peeeples and furkids having birfdays dis month!! r u reawedy fur da pawties...i fink i am, picturs prolly earlies next weeks..
b safe,
Hi Momo, you were very thoughtful to get your mommy a pearl white leash. those roses are very pretty too. do they sniff good?
Happy birthday for your mommy, Momo! The roses are beautiful!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I will add you as my friend too!
Hi, Momo
Happy Birthday for your Mom!
Sure you and your dad gave her great presents. The roses are beautiful and your choices sure made her happy!
Have a good night
Happy Birthday Momo's Mum! The roses were absolutely beautiful.
And thank you so much for the award!
You are very kind. Sorry I have not been around the past few days, my hoooooman bruv is studying and was using the computer a lot ;0(
Have a grrrrrrreat weekend Momo and family and I bet you have some grrrrrreat food too! love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
Sorry we missed your mom's barkday but hope she had a good one nevertheless.
Mistress is drooling over the beautiful roses. And I really must buy her a leash and a clicker. I am sure she will like those.
Hi Momo!!! Happy birthay momo´s mommi!!!! My mommi´s birthays went on 19 october... casuality...
Love, Chloe
Roses are just the best for we women!!! Happy Barkday to ur Mumsie, Momo....
It was almost 80 here today...fall? What is fall!!! We wanted to get the pool out again, but I couldn't because of my stitches.
Lakies licks, Lacie
oh.. am so sorry for dropping in late.. cause we are busy with Hercules treatment..
Happy Belated birthday to momo's mommi!.. hope she had a great day!.. and many many happy return..
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