First of all, we're so sorry for not being able to come by your blog lately.
We wanted to say hello to all of you but
the chief editor was always 'out of energy' (=yap, lazy) after coming home from work.
She didn't help us to surf the net at all for past two weeks.
I Pinot went to the groomer a few days ago. :)
Our favourite groomer girl C had only one spot
so our dad trimmed my feet.
Our brudder also had a haircut and he has become mini daddy.
Do we look ok?? :) :) :)

Two Spoiled Cavaliers on the way to....
The largest festival for doggies in North America!
This is Momo's 5th time to come here since 2006.
Woofstock 2006 ... we didn't have a blog. Da~
Woofstock 2007: Day 1.
Woofstock 2007: Day 2
Woofstock 2008: Day 1 & 2 (Pinot's first appearance)
Woofstock 2009: Day 1
Woofstock 2009: Day 2

Unfortunately the weather was not the bestest on this very exciting day.

"Let's check out!"
"It's not as crowded as usual but it's ok!
We're happy to be here."

While we were taking some photos....

we bumped into our Cavalier friend, beautiful Jasmine and her family!!!!

While we were taking some photos with the family....
Guess what!!
We met another Cavalier friend fashion model Shelby and her mate, super cute Coquette.
We had a very nice get together last year at here Woofstock.

Within 10 minutes to get to Woofstock, we had a very nice Cavalier reunion.
"Thank you all!!"

Then we headed to Best Costume Contest on the main stage.
Mom said 'ahhh yum!"
She loves all these three chocolate candies.

Handsome Elvis doggie...
"Thank you, thank you very much"
The host of the contest was a well known Canadian Comedian/actress,
Carla Collins. We were glad she was back. :) She's very funny.

The three finalist. The lady in centre is well know for this festivalgoers.
She always makes own costume for her doggie.

It was too bad that the weather was getting really bad.
It started pouring. We were all soaked and needed to get back to the car.
Despite of this wet weather, we had a great time.
We'll be back tomorrow!!

Momo & Pinot/J & R
That looks like a great event. We hope you get better weather so you can stay longer today. Your little brother is huge! He has grown so much. You must be feeding him excellent kibble.
Your friends,
NIamh & Ambrose
Woofstock looks like tons of fun to us!
James looks adorable all dressed up in his tie! What a cute portrait of the three of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Woofstock looks soooo fun. One year Spencer and I will have to make the trip to Toronto to check it out. M&P, you look fabulous. And your brudder couldn't be any cuter.
xo xo,
Whitney and Spencer
Oh, what a fun day. New and old friends, lots to see and do.
Dawling Momo and Pinot
It's so vewy wondewful to see you again. you'we so lucky to go to that special event..I think wain doesn't mattew if you'we having fun. Youw handsome babyhoomanbwovvew looks soo gwownup and handsome. Of couwse the two of you awe the most bootiful and handsome!!1
It must have been gweat to meet so many nice fwinds
smoochie kisses
You look fantastic, Momo and Pinot, and James really looks like his dad. What a cute trio!
I loved the video of you walking while wagging your tails non stop. You are 2 happy and friendly dogs!
Hi, Momo and Pinot!
I can't believe how much James has grown!
He is very handsome!
Sure you all had a great time at Woofstock!
Thanks for sharing the pictures and videos!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Momo and Pinot (and your humans!) it was great to see you at Woofstock! It was lots of fun - even with the rain (which only happened yesterday - today was marvelous). So, I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and I'll watch out for you out and about our wonderful city! Hey, do you think Brian will do the Downtown Cavalier Playdate again? I hope so!
Dear friend,
Thank you so much by dropping to my blog.
Mom has received so much kinds and courage words so I came to thank you for that =]
Hug & Kisses,
Autumn n Jasmine
Oh what fun...well except for the rain part : )
We would love to go to Woofstock someday. I am sure that my brother would be a pain but I would have fun howling at the other dogs and indulging in yummy treats!
Hope all is well with you.
Oh! I remember your last post about Woofstock - can't believe it's come round again - how time flies!
Looks like the most fantastic time - so much to see and do! And woohoo! A Great Dane like me! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
I can't believe it we saw the same people as you, but just didnt see you!! I was looking for you. I loved it this yr so much cooler and since we went on Sunday Kensington Market was open too. We got Smoochy Poochy leashes and love them! OK I must do an entry with my photos later today!
Wow, so many people and dogs came out for the festival! We rarely see such a big crowd here in Auckland.
It's nice to hear that you had a very nice reunion with your cav friends. They are all so cute!
Hi Momo and Pinot, I see that you had a lot of fun in Woofstock. Your brother is is growing a lot each day. Saludos desde Panamá... Peggy
Hello U2! Yep its us. Woofstock looks fun. We love the photo your little brother we can't believe how he has grown whilst we have been away.... he's a handsome chappie.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Looks like a great day out for you all. You all look super cute and smart in that first picture. We love it!!! SS has downloaded it into my 'family' album, to be gloated over at our leisure when we are not online.
We are going to be a bit slack with blogging/visiting in the next few weeks as SS has a lot of deadlines to meet. Will miss you all!
We just added you to our Cavalier Blog List!
Happy Father's Day!
Oh my, you're right, baby James looks like a mini Daddy after the haircut.
The three of you look wonderful as always.
What a fun Woofstock festival. I love the Elvis pup, haha!
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