Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cavalier(s) in super action!!

Our favourite one!
"You can do it, brudder!!
On the way home, we saw a very new born pavement... and couldn't resist to step in.
You can actually see my (me, Momo) pawprint on the top left corner. :)
Please don't tell anyone, ok? :) :)
Momo & Pinot/J & R


Finni said...

Hey guys, great action shots.
You've immortalised your pawprint huh ... cool!
Finni x

Shelby said...

Ha, ha - you're lucky you didn't get arrested!

sara said...

hahaha! That's so funny,. when they did the pavement at our house, Kosmo and Faith ran through it RIGHT after it was put down and they actually sunk in! We had to call the pavement company to come back and fix it, lol. Those are some very cute pictures of Pinot! Faith likes acrobatic guys.. .. ;)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Too bad you couldn't sign your pawprint. You'd really be famous. Mostly, at the police station, we'd guess. But famous!

While we're here, Sassy's sister Gracie is having a surprise party for her dad.

Unknown said...

A new born pavement?! Wow! I've never seen one of those before! I think they should have framed your pawprint and marked it with a star, like in Hollywood! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Niamh said...

You are very good at jumping high especially since you are much smaller than we are. Good job. We love jumping too.

Your friends,
NIamh & Ambrose

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Ahhh! Pinot can jump, all 4 paws up for you man.
Tsk!Tsk! You left your pawprints everywhere, next time don't forget to wear your socks, k?

Flo de Sendai said...


Lorenza said...

Those are pawesome action shots!
I will not tell anybody you were there!
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Momo and Pinot

WOW vewy impwessive jumping..don't get ovewtiwed in this heat sweet sissie and bwuvvew! Youw jumping teck nique is pawsome!!!!
and now you'we famous like the hoomans wif theiw pawpwints at Gwauman's Chinese Theatwe in hollywood, hehehe(don't wowwy, I wouldn't tell)

I'm hoping ouw sissie Momo kittie wecovews soon
smoochie kisses

Rouky said...

Pinot, you are a flying cavalier! It must be a first in history! :-) You both are too cute!

Life With Dogs said...

Momo, I had no idea you were a graffiti artist! :)

Heather and Pumpkin said...

I dream of putting my paw print in concrete - in Hollywood when I am famous!


Peggy y Mhathy said...

Hi friends, just passing by to say hi. Bechitos Peggy

Cappy the Eskie said...

Hi Everyone - My brother is a Ruby Cavalier and I'm glad that he can't jump like that. It's bad enough that he steals my food and treats from the floor. If he could reach any higher, no one could leave food on the table.

Hugs and yips,
Cappy ~~ and Ollie too

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Was Canaday last week, buddies?
Sunday is our July 4th Independence Day, please join us for a fun filled holiday!

Dawn said...

This was so GREAT!

We are bringing a tricolor boy home in excited!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You go, Pinot! Great action shot!

Peggy y Mhathy said...

Hi. now you are like the movie stars, with your paw print forever on that pavement. My congrats. Bechitos Peggy