Monday, June 17, 2024

Early summer edition

Hello there!  It's me Juno! 
I hope everyone is happy and enjoy good treats!

May 12 was Mother's Day here and Daddy's Barkday!

A double celebration was fun. 
Happy 684th Barkday daddy!

Mom picked a small present..

A wine glass with a Cavalier Art.  (Can you see??)

Mom takes me out for walkies three time a day.
We always rush back to house to prepare my bro's stuff in the morning.
So her camera has full of 'before-bed-time' walkies photos.
Evening is always relaxing.

Me... enjoying hooman watching.


Again, let's just sit down and watch hoomans!

Doing the same at the subway entrance.  

May to early June, the temperature was still up and down
but finally the good weather seems guaranteed. 

Downtown looks more colourful. 

I found a giant Salad Bar and dive into it!  

Yes, I love veggies!  Mom made a short vide how much I enjoy veggies.

This is The Queen Alexandra Gate
which was built in 1901 to commemorate the visit of TRH the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York.
(later known as King George V and Queen Mary)

This is the entrance of our favourite paths, The Philosopher's Walk,
at the St. George campus, University of Toronto.

You know what my mom figures out recently?  I am her velcro. 

Wherever mom goes, I'll follow her, take a nap next to her
or on her.

BUT this was an exceptional.

I sneaked into the kitchen and took her slice of focaccia. 

A few weeks ago, I was wondering why she left me in the evening
and I found these photos on her phone.

She went to see the band called Blind Guardian

She's a Fanilow (Barry Manilow fan) and Heavy Metal girl.  bol

The venue is located along the Lake Ontario and skyscrapers look very nice. 

During our morning walkies yesterday,

I am on the Red Carpet!

Last but not least, yesterday was Father's Day!
Happy Daddy Day to all great dads!

See you next time! xo

Juno/J & R

ps:  Mom says today is Mr. Manilow's barkday. He turns 81!  


Millie and Walter said...

You sure have lots to see and do living in a big city, Juno. There have been lots of celebrations in your home this past month too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Nice to see you and it sure looks like you have been busy having lots of fun. I'm glad you like your veggies. Happy Birthday to your special Pup Daddy!

Kea said...

Juno, you certainly do get out and have a lot of fun! (So do your humans!) You're also very enthusiastic about your veggies, which was cute to see. I like my veggies too, though prefer them when someone else prepares them. Ha.

Thanks for stopping by my Musings blog!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom is always so jealous of your incredible city - last century one of her favourite spots was her trip to Toronto - and stayed across from the Toronto town hall - and did the zoo - and the science center - and the tower of course -

And veggies - I had some parsnips tonight - and pea pods too - veggies ROCK!

As for Mr Manilow, there might be quite a few of his 'records' back in The Khottage Music Room - both 45 and 33-1/3 size!


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

A lot of fun events happened of late in your furmily, Juno!!
Happy Mother's Day, Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday to your Daddy!
I bet your bro is out of school now for the summer, right? Enjoy the summer!
Its HOT here, is it hot like that in Toronto, too?? We have heat indexes upwards of 105F!!

Duke said...

I love you posing with all of the beautiful flowers, Juno, and I agree with you, veggies are yummy. I haven't tried all that you have but I'll get there! Happy Birthday to your dad!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy barkday to Dad and to Mr. Manilow, too! We always love seeing your walkies with Mom, Juno! And that video was great. Which veggie is your favorite?

P.S. Your bro is getting so tall!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Wow, 684?! Your Dad sure looks good for his age!"
Lulu: "I like veggies too, Juno! Although I prefer the crunchy ones, like ends of lettuce and bits of cauliflower. They are kind of like bones!"
Chaplin: "We've never seen a dog sleeping from below like that before. I would say we're not sure it looks comfortable, but Mama and Dada are always saying that about how we sleep, so who are we to judge?"
Charlee: "Uh ... We're cats. That's who we are to judge."
Chaplin: "Oh right!"

carol l mckenna said...

Oh Juno ~ you are one handsome and sweet doggie and what a wonderful family you have and a birthday party too ~ Happy Belated birthday ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Woofs, Juno! Sorry I am so late commenting. I somehow managed to miss your post! WE always enjoy going along with you on your walks. Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad. Those roses are so beautiful!


Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

WOW! What a tour, Juno. We enjoyed it all and it looks like you're the best people watcher effurr😸😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞

Huskies622 said...

My goodness Juno, you have had lots of adventures---and you really are a pup around town! You have some great walks! And we loved the video of you crunching your veggies! We like carrots too, but BROCCOLI? Not one bit!

Rosie and Redford