Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Dear Angel Momo

Dear Angel Momo,
our precious little princess.

It's been a year since your departure to the Rainbow bridge.

Every single day, we think of you and our memories bring us smile. 

Thank you for everything we shared and made us better hooomans.

Run free, enjoy playing with friends up there.

We'll join you in the future.

Keep smiling, Forever Princess Momo.

Pinot/J, J and R


meowmeowmans said...

We love and miss you, sweet Angel Momo.

Duke said...

Hugs to you and your family, Pinot. We miss Momo too♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs as you remember you sweet Angel Momo.

Kismet said...

Don't worry, we have our zoo up there also. We still think about those we lost over 10 years ago.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Momo's memory brings a smile to our faces too.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We really miss beautiful Momo! Has it been a year already? We know she's running and playing with our Joey in doggie heaven. We never forget our angels.

Tamago said...

Sending warm hugs to you as you remember your sweet angel. xo

Ruby said...

Oh, what a sweet tribute to your Sister! We thinks of Momo all the times, and she always brings lots of tail wags and smiles to our faces. {{{hugs}}}
Ruby ♥

Kiet Nguyen said...

I visited your blog this morning. I noticed only Pinot in the pictures, where's Mono? I kept looking and my eyes filled with tears.
Princess Mono left us almost two years ago and now I just knew about it. I don't know what to say as sadness invading my heart. Big hug to all of you, love you all!
Mango the Maltese kiddo and mommy
( Ximui left us in August 2012 and Chubs left us in Jan 2018