Thursday, September 03, 2015

Happy Barkday, Momo!!

A long long summer school holiday is just about to finish.
Yesterday, we took our bro to our morning walky as usual.

Then he told us that mom and he had a good plan.
Making a  carrot, apple sauce and oats birthday cake together!

First bro shredded two carrots then mixed with eggs and apple sauce. 
He had lots of fun mixing dry and wet ingredients while sampling them a lot.  bol

He said the most important job is done!

Oh bro..., you make us cry!

Let's make some cake decorations-peanuts butter cookies!

Making a big dough is like being in the art class!

The decorations are done.

Our kitchen is so busy today.... we wonder why....


A cake base and decorations...

Mom and bro cut the cake base...

Then bro was putting some cream cheese and apple sauce icing.

In the meanwhile, daddy was preparing something special. 


Whao, a pink bone!

Oh bro!!

BBQ chicken! Drooooooling!!

OMD, the cake! 


More cheeeeeeeeeese!!

So dinner first...

Then cake time!

Mom and dad said it's hard to believe I, Momo is now ten year young.
That said they've been together over ten years! :) :)
Happy Anniversary, mom and dad! 

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Kinley Westie said...

Happy birthday Momo! Dat cake looks pawsome!

And happy anniversary to your peeps!

Julie said...

Woohoo, what great celebrations in your house.
Happy Burfday Momo and Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad
That CAKE looks awesome, you haf great CAKE making skills there Brudder, yum, yum
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Momo! Your brudder did an outstanding job on your birthday cake. It is just beautiful!
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Leigh said...

That is one pawsome birthday cake! Happy Barkday Momo :-) Hope you enjoy many more too. Such a cute photo of you together - woofs and licks from Magic xxx

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! Wow wow wow! All that good stuff was for you???!!!!!! What a great birthday party! Happy birthday! Hooray!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

what a wonderful bark day celebration you had!! Happy Happy Belated Bark day!!!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

How sweet!! Happy belated birthday and happy Labor Day too......Mommy's girls

meowmeowmans said...

Happy belated birthday, dear Momo! And happy anniversary to your wonderful Mom and Dad!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! Momo will be the great chief in the future since he loves cooking now. The food looks delicious.

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