Friday, July 19, 2013

The pawfect one!

I got a new toy called frisbee... No...the flyer!

I always carry a UFO/disc/ring-thingy while our walky since I was a pup
so it's nice to have a good one.

This one is made by Harrz

My two front tooth can hold it nicely.

Actually one is good enough.  :D

Our walky with brudder is going well.

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Unknown said...

Love your frisbee. Have a super Saturday and stay cool.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

You never know what Brudder might want to stop and play frisbee with you, Pinot!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ruby said...

Oh that is SUPER COOL!!! You are soooo cute walkin' with your flyer!
I likes to have my mouth free for all the pee mail....lots of that to read ya know?! BOL
Your Brudder is doin' a FABulous job there! He's such a Pro!
Ruby ♥

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Gosh brudder be so big and growned up!
Cool new flyer!!
~Lickies, Ludo

meowmeowmans said...

We like your Flyer! And your brudder sure is doing a great job of walking with you. :)

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Whoa! Whoa! Brudder James the pack leader!
Look at you leading your happy team on the sidewalk. You're growing quickly James, my mom enlarged your photo just to have a good look at you. Your pawrents raise a handsome and healthy child very well!
Momo and Pinot, are you proud of your brudder? And I'm so proud of you for carrying the flyer with one tooth! How you do that????
My pawrents went to Japan last April. They so much fall in love with Japan that they buy a weeping cherry blossom tree when they are back to the States. They treasure their wonderful Japan memory forever. Although we are not around very much but we read every post in your blog. My mom is extremely busy lately with her work and school. She neglects us and our blog. Shame on her!
Does you mom still keep the same email? My mom'd like to send some photos to her, thanks.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your little brother has grown so much. He's quite the dog walker now. :)