Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Our big task in summer

Our brudder finished Junior Kindergarten the end of June.
Where did the time go?

Mom had to come up with a good plan for ten-week summer vacation.

So we suggested we take him a walk first in the morning.. then evening.  hahaha~~~~.

So far so good.

"Bro, we have to check out pee-mails!"

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Duke said...

Your brudder is the bestest! We bet you get to walk at a nice brisk pace, huh!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

How kind of you to take the little one for a walk. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Leigh said...

Your little brudder is not so little any more! Ten weeks vacation - your Mum will have a lot of activities to organise for all that time. Walking with you guys sounds a good idea - I'm sure you can keep him busy for a while :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

Anonymous said...

Aw! Enjoy the summer!

Ruby said...

Oh, good work guys!!! Just lookie at you walkin' your brudder!!
Tell him he's doin' a good job there!
You keep him busy durin' his vaca!
Ruby ♥

meowmeowmans said...

Good job walking your brudder, Mom and Pinot! It looks like you're keeping him happy. :)

Stärneschyiin said...

...so toll!!!!
Sieht nach einem tollen Spaziergang mit Mini-Herrchen aus :-)

Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz,

asta said...

OMD Momo and Pinot

Whewe does the time go indeed..yoow dawling hooman bwuddew had gotten so wespawnsibull and big..it's wondewful that yoo can walk wif him now.
The thwee of yoo look gweat togethew
Smoochie kisses
Asta sissie

haopee said...

LOL. My sister thought it would be a great idea to bring her family to the Philippines for this summer. They had a blast!

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Whoa someone is really growing! Keep cool and don't run too hard in this heat with that freesbie!

Unknown said...

Aw...that is just the sweetest picture!!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Enjoy your summer holiday !
Hope you don´t get to hot over at your place !
Here it has been really hootsie today.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations little guy! I believe mom is really proud of you! And you’re on to the next step. It’s a bit more difficult but I know you can handle it, right? Yeah, time just passes by so quickly and you’ll just be surprised. So savor the moment and enjoy it to the fullest!

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