Thursday, September 22, 2011

The prize has arrived from Australia!

Aren't these bookmarks and calendar beautiful? :) :)

Mom is a member of a group called Cavalier Army on Facebook.
One evening, a photo competition notice caught her eyes.
Even if we've kept our blog for past six years, 
we never participated anything like that but for some reasons, she decided to give it a try.

The photo of the header on our old blog was sent in....  :) :)

Very kind members voted for our photo.  Eventually we won the 1st place in "eyes" photo comp 
along with another cute Cavalier photo.

After a long 25 day of journey from Australia, the prize has safely arrived to our place.

Thank you very much Julie, the creator of this group to make these beautiful prize. 
Please accept our big virtual kisses and hugs to you.

"We love it!"
"Look!   Here's Australian version of  Will and Kate stamp!" (Can we still call them casually??)

Extra bonus from Australia. 

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Tooki said...

oh wow, that is swell news! Congratulations, beautiful eyes!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Yay for winning the first prize!!!! Congratulations. To think that I could have snugged into that parcel and be at your home now :)

Leigh said...

Great news you two and well deserved! You do have beautiful eyes - so cute! Love from Magic x

Thor and Jack said...

Congratulations! That photo is so cute!

Thor and Jack

Duke said...

You guys are such cutie patooties! Congratulations on your win!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

What wonderful prizes! I'ts a great photo & cool stamp.

Nubbin wiggles,

Asta said...

Oh boy Momo and Pinot
I'm not suwpwised that you won
those awe bootiful
congwatulations and enjoy youw special pwize
smoochie kisses

meowmeowmans said...

Well-deserved! You two have beautiful eyes. :)


kishiko said...

Wow,congratulations Momo and Pinot!
What a nice gift! and I like the stamp!
kiss kiss

Asta said...

Dawling momo and punot
i'm so glad you wewe able to come help me celebwate my biwfday
Time is going so fast fow all of us.
I hope you had plenty to dwink and eat and saw all youw fwiends thewe
smoochie kisses
ASTA sissie

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Definitely, yours eyes have it! We are in "the Cavalier Army". What a wonderful prize and well deserved

Rouky said...

Fantastic photo and great prize! You earned it! Mom will become a member of the Cavalier Army right this minute.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your prize! I'm not surprised you one – that was the most gorgeous photo!

Honey the Great Dane

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Can I say CATulations to the prize to you woofies ?
Or maybe I shall say Congratulation to the nice prize instead :)
Have a pawsome weekend !