Friday, July 09, 2010

Meet The Queen

If you live in UK, what we're about to post may not be so special
hey, we're here in Canada!
The Queen has made a visit here many times (22 times!) but seriously,
how often do we get to see her in pawson in your home town??
Ok, maybe not in pawson but pretty close.... :) :)
The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh (The Prince Phillip) attended the official
departure ceremony at Ontario's Legislative Building of Queen's Park. They wrapped up their 9-day 2010 Royal Tour to Canada at Queen's Park.
Yap, Queen's Park. Very Nice! :) :)
We wanted to join a crowds but it was 34C=93F (feels like 42C).
I Momo suffered from heatstroke at Queens Park a while ago
so our pawrents wanted us to stay home.
Our pawrents's two cameras and a camcorder were ready at the back of the building.
"The Queen!!!"
"Welcome to Toronto, Her Majesty The Queen
and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh of ....."
(We practised this line many many time at home but didn't get a chance
to BOL!)
"See you later at the front lawn!"
Our pawrents found another spot at the front lawn of the

legislature to wait The Queen's appearance.

"Here she comes..... accompanied by Ontario Premiere Dalton McGuinty.
Our mom and dad wondered if she walked toward them....
Everyone's camera and iPhone were ready.
Here they came.....
"Hello Hellooooooooo"
We really should have gone if the weather was not so crazy hot.
Do you konw The Queen's grate great-grandma The Queen Victoria
had a Cavalier named Dash?
Does this doggie resemble both of us?? :) :)

The Queen didn't come to the side where our humans waited but
she was only 10 meters away from them. Woo Phew~!

One very lucky girl in crowds was chosen to
give flowers to The Queen.

BTW, little boys are hardly chosen (or never?) to give flowers to The Queen.
Why Why WHY??
It's always a little girl with a cute dress and hat. :D :D
While our pawrents kept taking photos of The Queen,
Guess what????
Prince Phillip was standing up infront of our mom!!!!

The Royal Couple was greeted by The Governor General Michaelle Jean

and The Prime Minister, Stephen Harper.

According to the official schedule, The Queen was supposed to see

as many Canadians as possible and she really did.

The walkout lasted for about

a half an hour on such a hot hot day.

"The Queen was here!"
There were not very many dogs at Queen's Park
BUT mom and dad met two Corgie Girls, Sandy (R) and Megan.
Very appropriate!
Later this day, while our mom was still at work,
the couple landed to NYC and made a speech at UN.
What a busy schedule!!
"We didn't get to see you but we hope you enjoyed your stay."

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

The Queen was here!
The Queen was standing there smiling in her gorgeous gray dress, viva the Queen!
Oh yeah, Dash just looks like Pinot, you royal pups!
And Momo, come stay with us, you'll be the queen in my castle with three servants at your royal paws!
And my mom already made plan to kidnap the little prince, oh no, my mom singing her ooohs and ahhhs again.

Niamh said...

Since the Queen is such a dog lover we are sure she would have come over to pet you two had it been cool enough for you to go.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, that was exciting! We've never seen royalty in person.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, we are totally in royal awesomeness at how close your Mama was to The Queen!

Thank you for sharing.....

My J says she is a total Royalist, and she thought how beautiful the Queem looked in those photos.

We have watched it all on our tv here, but to actually know "somepup(s)" whose parents have seen her, well this takes the biscuit.

And if there are any biscuits going, I will have the beef flavoured one, if you don't mind?

Sorry we not been commenting much, real life here has kinda got in the way, but we are pleased and honoured to be your pals.

lotsaluv, Marvin and Jeannie xxxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my, your pinkies got so close. How exciting.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Duke said...

How exciting for your mom and dad to be that close to the Queen, Momo! She sure did look pretty for such a hot day!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Cappy the Eskie said...

What great pictures !!! The only royalty I've been in contact with is Oliver - he likes to be referred to as *His Highness*.

Hugs and yips,
Cappy ~~ and Ollie too

Unknown said...

Oh - how very exciting - you met the Queen!!

You know, my humans always thought it was very funny that here in Australia & NZ, we get a "Queen's Birthday" off as a Public Holiday - and yet they don't mark it at all in the UK! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Finni said...

OK! Here's the plan:
Next time the Queen comes to Canada dress your baby bruvver up as a girl! Because HE IS VERY CUTE!
Great photos!
Finni xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

How exciting for you! My Mum really likes the Queen and the royal family and has lots of photos outside the palace gates, none of the Queen though! Your lucky pawrents!
~lickies, Ludo

Asta said...

Momo and Pinot

I think you should have been chosen to give the bookay to the Queen, but i'm glad that neithew you ow youw adowable little bwuvvew James didn't go to get heat stwoke..Mommi always wondewws how come the queen can be all dwessed up and have a hat and gloves and undewweaw and stuff and ook as cool as a coocumbew while mommi sits awound in a think piece of linen and is sopping wet fwom the heat how come???
Mommi's haiw fwizzes outk and whe wilts and hew dwess is soaked thwoo disgusting.sheeesh..anyway..thank you fow those pictoowes fo the queen's looks like youw pawents wewe soopew close
smoochie kisses
ASTA sissie

Lorenza said...

Sure it was pawesome to see the Queen!
I am sure she would have been happy to see you there!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Wow your photos are amazing - you were so close or great camera lol. That is what I miss about living right in Toronto being so close to all the action. I love how everyone is cuddling about brother - just too cute!

Cinnamon and Mint said...

Wow, what a splendid encounter your humans had!! What impressed me is that the Queen doesn't look hot at all on such a hot day.

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Great photos!


Rouky said...

Fantastic photos! This is such a cool post! You were SO CLOSE! And that past picture of James with beuatiful Momo and Pinot is really beautiful!

Flo de Sendai said...

Yes, the Queen loves Cavaliers,
AND CORGIS !!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Momo and Pinot - I missed seeing the Queen, too! And so did my mom! We cam really close though - just missed her by 10 minutes! Oh well, maybe next time. Your pictures are fabulous!

Shelby said...

Me again, I forgot to sign my name to my post (the one that says anonymous). Anyway, I now have a picture - hope it shows up!