from M, a good friend of hers.
M said while she was travelling in New Zealand, she saw Momo wine by surprise
and mailed it to us! Then she read our Momo wine post.
M, it doesn't matter what we already tried.... we really appreciate your thought.
Ten days had passed, the package arrived safe!
"How exciting!"

"I am gonna open it!"
"I have pawfect K9. Let me tear up the package!!"

Eventually we helped each other to open the package.

MOMO... you, you are special.
You travelled miles miles away from the other of the globe by yourself!
(Momo) "Mom, I know what you're thinking but we have to keep this bottle unopened for a little while."

"It's so kind of you, M. Thank you very much!"
Momo wine was sold for limited time only so we can't get them anymore.
We wonder if this bottle is the only one in Ontario.

****** To all moms!!!******
"Happy Moms' Day!"
Obviously this is our late post. These pics were all taken on May 9th. :D :D

Our brudder's showed us his Moms' Day craft that he made at daycare.
This was very special to our mom so here's the picture.
(Momo) "Mmm....It's a raspberry chocolate cake. That means we won't get much."

Dad helped us to pick up pressies for mom.
Noodle Cup! It's reusable! Very green!
Secondly, we have to give you TWO Woof Woof, two big barks.
One of them is Expresso Crunch Bark which keeps you going through the day!!
And here's our favorite one- Dog Bag!
It has citrus scent and it's your favourite colour, PINK but
they are degradable so it's very green!
Picking up our poop is fabulous job from now on!

Let's have some cake!

"Why did I have to wait for 21 months to have my first chocolate cake?"

Mom carefully cut a cake. There was no chocolate cream but we definitely smelled raspberries.

In the evening, dad fired up the BBQ.

Another pressi that we picked up for mom is Jamie's Food Revolution.
(To our new friends, our pawrents used to watch Food Network all the time and
Jamie Oliver is one of their favourite chefs. They even went to see him at his autograph session.
This book inspired mom instantly and she wanted to try one of his recipes, dressed asparagus.

It looks like this book inspired our brudder, too.
We look forward to your future, brudder!

Dad has made many yummy dishes but this Scallops dish was another huge hit.
He often mentions 'Simplest The best (in cooking) and feel the flavour!
But he challenged something different.
He ordered grilled scallops with cheese at the greek restaurant a few days earlier and it was
good so he wanted to make his version.
He decided to make baby Parmesan and Bocconcini crostini first then placed huge scallops and
Gorgonzola on top. These were cooked in the regular oven in the kitchen.
(Top: L to R) Sauteed King Mushroom with hint of sea salt (ahhh YUM!),
Scallops on crostini, grilled prawns, mom's Asparagus & carrots dish
(Bottom: L to R) Grilled yellow and red peppers, little red potato, onion and garlic
that cooked in the Big Green Egg for TWO!

"Mom, don't you forget something?"

Thank you dad to help us to make our mom smile!!

Momo & Pinot/J & R
Any leftover?
I think my mom slipped into a food coma just by licking the food photos.
How nice of your mom's friend to send her the precious Momo bottle.
How come there's no Mango wine , I'm so jealous!
Happy Belated Mother's Day to your Mom, looked like your mom had a glorious appreciation day.
And last but not least, baby James is more handsome and cute everyday.
My mom wants to fly to your place just to hug and kiss the three adorable kiddos.
Love y'all.
OH DROOL!! Your Pawrents are the BEST cooks!! Your meal looks YUMMY! Looks like someone got spoiled (and deserves to be) on Mother's Day!! Momo & Pinot did you really get cake too? YOu lucky puppies
<3 Miss Kodee & Miz Becky
Momo and Pinot
What an absolutely wondewful Mom's day!!! you always make us dwool wif the supew delicious and gowgeous food youw Dad makes..I wouldn't know whewe to stawt(Mommi wouldn't eithew)
We love jamiw Olivew too and wewe taken to one of his westauwants by the squawes in England when we wewe thewe. I would tweasoowe that wine momo..even if youw pawents dwink it keep the bottle it's vewy special and wawe like you awe.
I hope you still like mommi's painting and all of you awe happy evewyday not just mom's day
smoochie kisses
Hi, Momo and Pinot!
A pawesome wine, lots of presents, yummylicious food!
Thanks for sharing all!
Kisses and hugs
What a wonderful post! I love the way Momo and Pinot helped little James opening the box (and mom says the wine seems delicious!). And what a fabulous Mother's day! Can you dad come cooking at our house some day??!!
A belated Happy Mother's Day to your mom. With all that yummy food how she manages to stay so slim and pretty is beyond us. SS only has to look at food and the kilos pile on. OK, she doesn't just look at food, I suspect.
Look the photo where you two got cakes.
Aw...what a wonderful celebration and happy family time! And as usual - SUCH delicious cooking!! I'm drooling just reading this post!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. by the way, was that really chocolate cake you were eating? coz you know human chocolate is poisonous to us doggies? It can cause serious seizures and other symptoms - could even be fatal in high doses, esp for small sized doggies like you! They do make a special kind of chocolate for doggies called carob but normal chocolate is very dangerous so do be careful!
It was really sweet of you all to make your mom smile. Looks like she had a happy Mother's Day.
What a neat present from your friend. A special occasion bottle of Momo wine.
Hi Momo,
Thanks for dropping by my blog. What a priviledge to have a wine named after you!
Looks like your human and mine share the same passion for cooking. Mama has a Jaimie Oliver cook book too.
happy belated late late mom's day! we didn't celebrate but glad you all did.
wet wet licks
Hello Momo and hello Pinot, what´s that - a own wine bottle Momo?? Tssss Tssss - your pawrents are looking very happy like you both toooooo with all this tasty foods -Most of all - the happy little James and his Mum on her special day very beautiful Pics. The bottle had a long trip from N.Z. and I think every drop will be like a goldtreasure.....
Me and my rudel are every day now in our blooming garden and the weather will be better and warmer - the last days.
Please don´t forget me - when my pawrents fly to Ca.
They will arrive over one weekend in IvyLea at the Marina with their old friends and will have a look at the River and with the Thousand Islands. Thats for today and please listen to my big and loud wuff wuff.
Best to you
You guys made your mommy so happy with all the pressie and fooooodies!! What good kids you are, and your wittle brother is just the cutest. Mum said he's so gonna grow up very handsome!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Sweet Momo and Pinot,
Last night my pawrents went to a Japanese&Thai restaurant, they loved the drunken noodle there that made me think of you, the two the drunken pups.
And by the way, would you please swing by my blog to look at my family portrait, finally my mom came out from her shyness to say hello to all of you.
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