Monday, September 30, 2024

Happy Autumn!

Happy Autumn everyone!  It's me, Juno.  

September was a good month.  My bro started the new school year
and everything is back to our routine.  

This day, mid-September, I ran with my mom while my bro
had training for up coming Cross County Race season.

"I'm ready!"

Toronto's Beaches area is very popular.
I saw many Beach Volleyball players, doggies, their hoomans
and way too many squirrels!! 

Oh I spotted another running doggie!

A quick break to view the lake.

I had a looooooong shower after my run.

Mom cleans my teeth regularly but bro did a good job.

"Let's keep my teeth white!"

Usual 'before-bed-time' walkies with mom.

Me and bro time in the morning.
smoothies time!

Mom took this photo this morning while she was running.
Looks like the city is ready for the spooky season!

See you next time!

Juno/J & R


Sandee said...

You've had a great month.

I love that you get your teeth brushed. We brushed our Angel Little Bits teeth too. She lived until she was almost 13 and she had very white teeth and great breath too.

I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

Have a woof woof day and week. ♥

Lynn and Precious said...

Dear Juno, what a busy September you had with your bro and mom. All that running. We kitties are a bit less of runners as we age. I've had squirrels and chipmunks invading my catio. I try to run them off with my kitty growls. Yes, I growl instead of hiss! Lynn and I think that nighty night walk with yer mom looked like stain glass art in the building behind you. How beautiful. Have a furry fun October. Precious

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I have never equated Toronto and beaches .

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's nice to see you. You and your brother sure are busy and you sure get your exercise in! I never thought about beaches there either.