Monday, October 09, 2023

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Record breaking!  Mom helped me to update my bloggy
for the 2nd time this month!  

I smelled! I smelled something yummy in the kitchen yesterday.
While mom was preparing veggies, I stole one....

Brussels Sprout!

Daddy the Chef was in charge to take care Thanksgiving dinner.
No birdie as usual.  Our main meal is stuffing.
He even made my very own mini bowl!

A big Portion x 3 (not in the photo) for hoomans. 3!!! 

Dinner is ready! Daddy is serving roasted mushroom.

Lots of veggies on the table!

From top:
Roasted Buttercup squash,
Stuffing with celery, onion and carrots,
Roasted garlicky yellow potatoes,
Steamed Brussels sprouts, parsnips and green peas,
Broccoli and cauliflower cheese casserole, 
 and salmon filet!

Bon Appetit! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! 🍁

Juno/J &R


Sandee said...

What a feast you all had. Are there leftovers? If so I'll be right over.

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving. Scritches to Juno. ♥

Duke said...

Your Thanksgiving dinner looks soooooo yummy, Juno, and I love veggies as much as you do! Your peeps are so generous with you and my mom is so stingy with me!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh Juno ~ you are adorable and sweet photos of you ~

Happy Thanksgiving to you ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Millie and Walter said...

What a feast you all had! You are so lucky to get your very own portion. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Kinley Westie said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Thanksgiving and we LOVER the family photo!


Lynn and Precious said...

Juno, so nice to meet you and while you were having a feast for your Thanksgiving. Lynn said the meal was sumptuous looking and I am feline, so salmon is right up my alley, and I am no alley cat, mol. We will be by to visit again and again.

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all ... and of course, that means to you also, JUNO. What a yummy-in-the-tummy feast. We are going to ask Xander if he likes veggies as you do ... he is in college now, well, not really. He just "moved" there with his Mommy when she moved there, it is very exciting. And it was exciting to see you TWO TIMES this month, a real treat ... speaking of treats, hope we get to see you for Bark-O-Ween, what costume will you wear? Meow and woof from JUNE (the cat)
PS mine Mommy says she will email you a pikshur of Xander!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

oh em cod juno ! how awesum waz yur meel…ess speshull lee de salmon ‼️
YAY! happee bee lated thanksgiving two ewe all 🐟💙💚

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you! Our Dada doesn't like turkey so he always fills up on stuffing for Thanksgiving, too!"

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry we are late to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving, Juno! It looks like you all had a great time (and with such yummy food)! XO

Helen said...

What a feast you had. We had turkey at our feast. Liam and Teddy got turkey dinner too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That looks like a totally fabulous celebration! Hey, thank you so much for your kind words on the passing of our dear Brian. We all sincerely appreciate your kindness.

Dad Terry

Ojo said...

Hi friend, Ojo here! Happy Thanksgiving! We celebrated with sushi and pumpkin pie! (The humans are weird, but it was tasty!) Also, you got your OWN BOWL?!?!? Can I do Thanksgiving at your place next time?