Sunday, December 03, 2017

Fooddies Sunday

Good morning everyone!

Here we are, 'always on alert' Pinot 😀
 'always still want to stay in bed' Momo! 😛

We love Chester and his Angel Joey Dog bloggy 
and always want to sniff our laptop whenever they post their food pictures.   

So today we want them to sniff their screen...  bol
 Our theme is The Foodies P & M.

Wholegrain Linguine, baby clams with Squid Ink Sauce.

Homemade Apple Chips.

Wholegrain Spaghettie, sautéed Tomato & Baby spinach.

Here's daddy's BBQ.
Smoked mackerel. 

Again daddy's signature dish, Smoked Salmon.

Mom's vegetarian Lasagne and quinoa salad.

Wholegrain Linguine, Chic Peas and extra garlicky sauce

Last but not least, we are in shocked to learnt that our dear friend Stanley 
crossed to the bridge on past Friday.
We're very very sorry for your loss, Stanley's girl Lisa and his little sister Stella.

(Picture:  courtesy of Stanley Gooberosky's FB page)

Momo, Pinot, mom and dad


C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! Thanks for posting a link to our bloggie. Your yum yums look extra super delicious! Joey dog would be very pleased with your food watching technique too. Hope you got to taste some of it! Ghostwriter said she'll be right over for that smoked salmon.

So sad to hear about your friend Stanley. Sending lots of POTP and hugs to his family.

How about this weather? It's nice and sunny here now. But the snow is coming soon to the lands around Lake Ontario! Better get your winter coats and boots ready!

Duke said...

The foodables look sooooo yummy!
We were just devastated to read about Stanley. Mom will never forget the day she met him in the furs with his girl. He will never be forgotten♥

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am sending POTP too

Ruby said...

OMD, your peeps foodables are always DELISH! Ma HATES fishes, butts she said your Pops BBQ looks good enough for even HER to taste!
It was so sad to hears abouts Stanley. i remembers watchin' videos of him doin' zoomies in his house...he was goofier than me!
Ruby ♥

The Daily Pip said...

Oh my word, all of a sudden I am starving! Everything looks delicious not sure how I could even choose between all this yummy stuff.

meowmeowmans said...

That food looks so delicious, Momo and Pinot!

We are very sorry to hear about Stanley crossing the Bridge. Purrs and prayers for his family and friends.

Tamago said...

Oh my goodness, so many yummy looking dishes! We are sniffing screen here :-) I love quinoa. Quinoa salad looks yum!
We are sorry to hear about your friend Stanley.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hmmm, that food looks good enough to eat. Did you two get any of it?

We saw on FB about Stanley. Very sad.