Friday, December 16, 2016

Thank you, mom's Macbook Air!

Thanks for all your hard work for past nice years to support our bloggy!!

Very unfortunately, our mom's mac died 3 weeks ago.  This is not good!
Mom who has absolutely zero money didn't know what to do about it.  :(

Pic taken by her iPhone and uploaded into dad's old laptop.
So slow and complicated!  bol

Anyways, so called 'traditional Canadian Winter' has arrived not a long ago.
Today we had to put on the boots for the first time this winter.

This is the view from our bro's window at 7 this morning.
It's been cold but love looking at the window in the morning. 

The Holiday season is approaching.
Stay safe and have fun, everybody!

Momo & Pinot/J &R


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, we are so sorry this has happened. Maybe Santa will bring Mom a new laptop. Mom loves her macbook Pro.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Duke said...

Bummer about your mom's puter. Have fun in the snow, guys☺

C.L.W.STEP said...

Thanks for all the snow you sent us from across Lake Ontario! Hooray! Hope you all stay warm.

Murphy said...

It's cold here too butt you are probably colder. Do not let our mom see those boots!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Robin + Christmas said...


Leigh said...

Bad news about the laptop :-( Keep warm and enjoy the snow - I have never seen snow before but it looks pretty - nose licks and love from Moth xx

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Hello my friends - it´s not a great thing - it´s only a Macbook Air - but bad - very bad and much work. Yes we saw the pics from our grandson in Ottawa - snow and very cold....rrrrrrrr. For a big doch like me the deep temperatures are great - but we don't have them here at this time of the year some days before Christmas evening - is not so romantic. But at least we are save and the things around me and my family is going on. Only the world is crazy in some regions and there are some persons ......oh no - oh no - oh no......
Have all together a great Christmas and a happy healthy and friendly NEW YEAR. We will stay and keep in touch.
The best to you all
Wuff and LG

Laika said...

We simply love your boots :D

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We're sad your mom's computer died. And right before Christmas.

We want to wish your family a very Happy Holiday season!