Saturday, October 15, 2016

Happy 10th Blogarsary!!

Hello friends! Today is a special day! Why? 
October 15 makes the 10th Blogarsary of our diaries!!

Let's look back our past ten years. Shall we?

It's me, Baby Momo!


I, Momo decided to blog my life a year after I was adopted by 
mommy and daddy. Back then, it was just three of us which means 
we had tons of tons of time for ourselves. :)

Here's very MY first post on October 15, 2006


Daddy made my cake to celebrate my 2nd barkday!
Posted on September 2, 2007 ( Link)

Add caption

Another big news in 2007

Puppy Pinot became our family member. 
Posted on November 4, 2007 (Link)


We welcomed our human brudder James! 
Posted on August 19, 2008 (Link)

With a teeny tiny 2 week-old baby James. 


A memorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Downtown Playday!
It was all about Cavaliers! 

Posted on August 30, 2009 (Link)


Mommy and daddy tied the knot on a beautiful Oahu, Hawaii on 10.10.10.
Posted on November 2, 2010 (Link)


Our old header picture that we submitted was placed 1st of 
the Cavalier group photo competition on Facebook. 

Posted on September 22, 2011 (Link)

Now you know we only changed our header TWICE in past ten years!! bol


Pinot and bro had a beautiful harmony to sing a Halloween Song together.
Posted on November 13, 2012 (Link)


We love food!  Chef Daddy always makes a yummy dinner on special occasions. 

Posted on October 18, 2013 (Link)

He makes us drooooling on not-so-special days, too! 


Where does the time go? Our brudder turns 6!

Posted on August 13, 2014 (Link)

We thought we were bigger!


I, Momo is now 10 year old young! :)

Posted on September 2, 2015 (Link)

Princess Momo and two assistants!

Wow..., it's been ten years.  Time flies.

Thanks so much for your love, support and kindness for past ten years.
 We've met many many great doggies and their servants pawrents in the cyber world 
and met some of them in pawson. 

Life is good. Really good....

Hugs and kisses for our friendship to keep us going, our dear friends!

You can't see but our tails are wagging hard!

Momo, Pinot, James, J (mommy) and R (daddy)


Robin + Christmas said...

Happy blogiversary!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Blogaversary to you!!! You have so many great memories preserved in your posts.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Here's to many many more!!!

Khyra, Holly, and Those Golden Khampers

Kinley Westie said...

Happy blogaversary!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy blogoversary, dear friends! We are glad you are still blogging, and here's to many more blogoversaries yet to come!

Duke said...

Happy 10th Blogaversary, Momo and Pinot, and many, many more! We love your blog♥

Julie said...

Happy Blogaversary...10 years, woohoo!!!How clever of you Momo to start such a wonderful blog
What great memories
And heres to many many more
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

C.L.W.STEP said...

Congratulations! We loved the singing video!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We remember when it was just you, Momo, and your mom and dad. Then Pinot. And then your baby brother, who is no longer a baby. He's growing up fast. It's been such fun over the years to watch your family grow and drool over your special occasion meals. Happy Blogoversary!

The Army of Four said...

Happy blogaversary!!!!

Brando and Bogart said...

Happy Blogaversary! Here's to many many more!

Henry said...

Awww CONGRATS!!! It's a lot of work keeping up with these blogs.
I'm happy you are still doing it. Momo and Pinot are too adorable, they deserve it!

PS: You never know how their precious faces can make someones day a little brighter! :) speaking from personal experience.

Keep up the awesome posts!


Juno said...

Thank you all for your sweet messages!!

Momo & Pinot :) :)

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Oh my dear friends, late but not to late also here in you cute and wonderful blog. Happy congrats for this 10 years. I love to visit you and I can see that you both have a great family with so much fun and - very important: Good and yummy food.
I startet in 2007 and some years later I found you.
All the best - stay healthy and strong - love to read more and more.
Wuff and LG