Thursday, July 28, 2016

Pokemon Go crazie!

Our pawrents are strict about our brudder's computer game usage.
He still plays mom's old Wii (Original 2008!) in the hibernated season
and doesn't own PlayStation or anything like that.

this summer, he's allowed to try out Pokemon Go
for the limited time a day!

"Don't ever drop daddy's phone, ok?"

I heard he's looking for monsters.
I wonder if I can sense their smell?

"I saw something on the map. Let's walk to that Gelato place!"

Now Our new task is guiding his way together!

Mom and we have no idea what he was looking for
but he apparently got some good stuff out there.

"Good stuff means a bone? Maybe new frisbee?!?"

We doubt he will go out and play this game in -15C weather.
Enjoy this limited time fun during our short summer, bro!

Momo & Pinot/J & R


My Mind's Eye said...

Momo and Pinot,
Oh....for sure we can see that it is a great summer activity as it gets the brudder outside playing with the 'iPhone and not inside. He gets sun and exercise and so do you. Your mom is a wise access is good.
Hugs madi your bfff and mom
PS you live in a beautiful city

C.L.W.STEP said...

Our Jason human has been going crazy with this game, and he's a grown-up! Have fun, but don't get carried away.

Robin + Christmas said...

BOW WOW, my mom (who is 13) just installed Pokemon Go a week ago and because she doesn't have data on her phone she can only play it on wifi, but when she is on wifi she tracks those Pokemon like a hound!

Murphy said...

That can work into extra walkies!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Molly the Airedale said...

At least you guys are getting a good walkie out of it!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad your parents are keeping a good eye on your brother and limiting his time if he wants to play that game.

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Hello my friends, what a game - all people are going and like to catch them where ever they stay, in parks in churches on places and on the streets. Whatever the founder will earn for this game - it change the world of all kids. So I heard last days from our greater grandson.
Here we have hot and warm days the last two weeks - so summer evenings are great to stay outside in the little garden.
Wuff and LG

meowmeowmans said...

We hope brudder catches lots of those pocket monsters (and that you both bet extra walkies as a result)! :)