Friday, October 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend!

Autumn is here.

The pumpkin will be kept in the house until Halloween.
Do you remember squirrels snacked last year?  (link is here) :D :D

During the past long weekend, our brodder helped mom

Guess what the unique ingredient was?
Tofu (bean curd)!!!

Mom bought a ready-made pie crust to 'save' time!

'Not bad, mommy~!'

The pie needed to cooled down.

All humans enjoyed preparing dinner together.
Hey, where are our aprons??  We can give you paws, too.

Still daddy is the chef! 

Our brodder was proud to help out daddy.

Then we got a chance to sample stuffing!


Here's the menu this year. 

Steamed squash & Brussel Sprouts,
Pumpkin Pie,
Very Garlicky Roasted Potatoes,
Lobster tails,
Crab meat stuffed Tilapias,
Leeks, Broccoli & Cauliflower Caserole, 
Lots of stuffing!
Home made cranberry sauce and fat-free gravy.

Our dinner was ready.

Gravy = yum!

And dessert time~!

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Unknown said...

OMD is there an open invitation for dinner? I am on my way. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Soggibottom said...

Oh my word guys, look at all that lovely stuff to eat.... looks like you live with a very good cook. No ice cream needed . Luvs to your little fellow (who has grown more ever time my mum sees him). Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Duke said...

Everything looks so delicious and we're glad to see that you both got full bowls!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Niamh said...

Happy thanksgiving Momo and Pinot! You really celebrated in style with all that delicious food. We are really looking forward now to our thanksgiving . Glad you had a great day with your family.

Ruby said...

OMD!!! Not only do you guys gets to help out in the kitchen (Ma always runs me outta the kitchen!! boo!), butts you gets a whole big bowl to yourselves???! Oh, it doesn't gets better than that!
Everythings looks soooo yummy!
I see you have lobster for Thanksgiving ~ we have crab here! It's always the height of the crab season, so we always gets fresh crab here in the Bay Area! It's delish! (thou, last year there was a big price dispute and they were way too pricey!)
I really do thinks you guys deserve your own apron...just sayin'
Oh, and Ma's keepin' our pumpkin inside til halloween this year too!
Nasty critters all arounds, and this years there is even coyotes roamin'! Yikes!
So glads you all had a FABulous Thanksgivin'!!
Ruby ♥

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Looks yummy! Your dad is a great cook, so brother James has the genes and a mentor. You all are in luck!!!

~ Kirra ~ said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all you wonderful folk and especially to Momo and Pinot.

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends! That food sure does look delicious, and we LOVE your family portrait. :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Happy Thanksgiving !
That menu sure sounds jummy *licking my nose*

Unknown said...

Hi Momo & Pinot - sorry for not visiting in ages! Just finally catching up now...ah, every time I come to your blog, it's like watching an episode of Masterchef or something - hee! hee! Everything always looks so beautiful & delicious - and your house looks so wonderfully cosy! :-)

Honey the Great Dane