Three humans including our brudder were sick for a little while.
We healthy Team Cavalier wasn't sure if they made it for christmas but they somehow managed.
We're about to make doggie cookies!
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This is in the morning of 24th. |
"I am in charged!"
Almost done!
40 minutes to go...
Done, done, done!!
They are not the best looking cookies but yummy!
On Christmas eve, our brudder left cookies and a glass of milk
for Santa Paw.
for Santa Paw.
It was a time for the Elf to return to the North Pole.
On Christmas Day.
Santa Paw was here.. for sure.
After opening presents,
our chef daddy made special dinner.
Dad introduced a new dish which is Greek lemon and garlic potatoes
with touch of Oregano.
Our Christmasy coloured Veggies.

Momo & Pinot/J &R
Hi all, I thinks those dawg cookies look super yummers and so pretty!! It's always nicer than the shop bought!
Your peep foodables look devine too! We especially like the sound of the potatoes!
Merry Christmas to you two and the peeps...
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
Can you please send your brudder to our house so he can make us cookies too? He rocks!
What a wonderful Christmas you all had!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
What a swell day you had. Glad it was a good one. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Hi my two friends,
I was thinking about you in the last few days - but now I´m glad to read some tasty (!) news. And this great dogcookies....yammi - I can feel it...only from seeing them. And the little Elfe did a great job - your little brudder is looking so brave during backing all this petcookies. Wauuuu
I and my family wish you a strong health during the last days of the year and more more more over the NEW YEAR. Thank for your friendship and so we hope to stay in touch the next year tooooooo :-)
Wuff and LG
Please ship the leftover to Dallas immediately, we'll pay for the shipping!!! Your daddy should open a restaurant, we'll move to Canada to be your helpers.
Brudder James is still handsome whether he pouts or smiles. And you two is two happy pups as ever. What a beautiful family, cheers to all!
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and that your new year is filled with happiness!
Oh that foof looks Yummylicious.
Happy BNew Year!!
Mona & Weenie
You guys look so serious in those photos!!
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