Friday, November 02, 2012

Wet Wet Treat-or-Treating!

Unfortunately the weather was still bad due to Hurricane Sandy.
Besides our brudder was not feeling well in the morning 
BUT when the clock hit 6, our brudder was ready to go!

Brudder and 'devil' mom were just about to leave us. 
Mom thought it would be difficult to keep us on busy street 
with kids.

"Bye Momo and Pinot!  Give treats to kids, ok?"

Despite of the chilly & wet weather, kids never stopped.

Look!  It's a Haunted House.

The haunted house owner usually give you a good treat.
Now I know it!

More Hunted House.

Can you see James?

Awwwww.. more creepy house!

Oh NO!!

RIP Tommy.

Remember our two pumpkins were beaten up by super hungry squirrels?
Dad couldn't carve faces on them but he quickly made faceless-Jack-O-Lanterns!

Hope you had a good one, too!

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Glad you could go out and do some Trick or Treating :)
I LOVE your Rat-O-Lantern :)

Ruby said...

OMD!! You guys look FANTASTIC!!! I'm so glad that biatch Sandy didn't keep ya'll from Trick o' Treatin'! And, that is one great lookin' Haunted House!! LOVE it!
Tell your Dad's that he is one of the most creative peeps I have seen in a LONG times! First, the 'two car garage' now, the 'rat o'Lantern'!! Kudos! That'll teach those evil squirrels!


Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Oh my - I love your pumpkins! I know the squirrels ate them, but such a creative fix. Amazing night time photos - enjoyed them!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Looked like you had a great Halloween. James is so cute!

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Hi my Friends,
First I hope that you all keep save.
Funny pics and James looks perfect.
All the best......
Wuff and LG

Duke said...

Your dad did a great job on saving the pumpkins!
It looks like you all had a very fun Halloween!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Brilliant Halloween decs over your way. Those houses are really great. Glad you all had a great time despite the weather. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Soggibottom said...

Good to see you had such a good time beautiful little guy... ah, babies your both looking as beautiful as ever too.
:-) XXX

Asta said...

Momo and Pinot,

I'm so glad that youw littol bwuddew was well enuff to go twick ow tweating.
I love his outfit,I hope he shawed some of his tweats wif you
smoochie kisses
ASTA sissie

Rouky said...

There are some pretty cool haunted houses in Toronto! James is a brave kid. I bet the treats helped!

I'm happy you all had fun. The carved pumpkins are beautiful.