Saturday, July 28, 2012

Meet Raccoon family!

We sometime sit on our front porch in the afternoon. 
Two leggies watching is often very entertaining.  

"Why do they always carry a cup of coffee??"

While we are zzzzzzzzzzzz......
our humans stay at our backyard and do
racoon watching.

Do you remember our visitor Miss Racoon??

This time she brought Mr. Racoon.

Then Raccoon baby No.1 showed up....

A baby raccoon No.2 followed..
Shy babies returned to bushes right away.

A grown up still looked for midnight snack.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Ruby said...

Oh, how cute! I mean, I'LL GET EM'!! (Yea, no self respectin' terrier would welcome furry invaders, but shoot, they seem adorable!) They look like they were goin' to set up for a party!



Unknown said...

Ditto Ruby. however you both are looking well cute as ever. Have a lovely weekend. Stop by tomorrow and meet a new friend.
Best wishes Molly.

Duke said...

They must have heard that your dad is the greatest chef, Momo and Pinot!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Asta said...

Oh Momo and Pinot how wondewful to have the whole family visit and get pictoowes of them. You have a bootiful backyawd and I love youw seat on the powch
Thank you fow visiting and cheewing me on in the pawlympics.
I love you vewy much
Smoochie kisses
Asta sissie

Flo de Sendai said...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Cute visitors. We had a tiny one outside our fence one day who was very sick. Sadly the animal control officer came and took him away. He was very cute, but Mom said we couldn't be outside because he was sick.

That first pic of you two is so sweet - beautiful flowers too.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, a whole family of raccoons! They sure are cute. :)

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Kodee and Becky go bonkers if they see the raccoons on our fence! They look cute, but they are nasty if corned so be careful guys!

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Ooooh my Friends, I'm Looking with wide Open eyes - oh my god they will come again and again! Thank you for your positive Thoughts.
Wuff and LG

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Ooooh my Friends, I'm Looking with wide Open eyes - oh my god they will come again and again! Thank you for your positive Thoughts.
Wuff and LG

Niamh said...

We would love it if raccoons came to visit us. You are so lucky! We just get squirrels.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Amanda said...

They are so cute! :) Would love a visit from a raccoon.

Letters to a sailor said...

The cutest dogs ever!!! So lovely! I also have a Golden Retriver and he means the world to me :)

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