Thursday, April 19, 2012

A New visitor.

It was around 6pm.  It was still broad daylight.
We smelled something a bit unusual..

It was Miss Racoon!!!

By the time mom grabbed her camera, MIss Racoon already climb up the garage.  

"Are you talking to me?"

We weren't sure if she could make it...

"Can you walk here, doggies?"

Our brudder was so excited.

"Daddy, is that a big kitty??"

Miss Racoon was big, really big.  We heard racoons usually show up 
for food after sun goes down.
We wonder if she was very hungry...  :(   :(

What do you think?

Oh yes, we smelled something different again the other day.
Daddy's car woke up from its long hibernation during winter.

Daddy wonders if he should keep this car or not for various reasons.

What do you think?!?

"Daddy, this is MY super car!"

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Momo & Pinot/J & R


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Wow a Racoon - we don't have those here - he's pretty good on the tightrope though!!

PS: Have you two seen my Birthday Event on my bloggie?? It's a super Give-away - I think you should enter!! Just sayin'.

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Leigh said...

Fancy a raccoon coming to visit - I think she might have been hungry to come so close to your house. No raccoons living here in the UK (except in wildlife parks) so don't think we'll ever get to see one. Looks like you and your little brudder are enjoying checking out that car :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

Duke said...

I've never met a raccoon before. I sure hope that one was friendly!
You brudder would look pretty cool tooling around in your dad's car, guys. I hope he takes you for a spin!

Love ya lots

Duke said...

I've never met a raccoon before. I sure hope that one was friendly!
You brudder would look pretty cool tooling around in your dad's car, guys. I hope he takes you for a spin!

Love ya lots

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

OMC ! Did you have a Racoon in your backyard ??!!
We don´t have Racoons in Sweden :(
Of course your dad shall keep that car !
There is nothing better than feel the summer breeze in your ears :)

Rouky said...

Toronto has a wild life that we did not know about!!! It must have been so much fun for James to see the raccoon.
The car is super cool! Mom love the dark red interior. Now, should your dad keep it? Well, of course it's up to him. Maybe he can decide after the summer, to see if he still really loves driving it...
Have a great week-end!

Lorenza said...

I guess Miss Racoon was hungry!
I hope she found something yummy to eat!
Aaaand your Dad's car is pawesome!
Keep it! Keep it!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Tooki said...

what a nice find...but heard they can do a lot of damage to the house!

Flynn said...

what a cute little cavalier you are :)

i would be honoured if you checked out my blog and maybe follow it

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Those are great raccoon photographs! Be careful our neighbour had a raccoon just this wk get in his garage and it had babies in there! Love the car.

meowmeowmans said...

Raccoons used to visit our old house at night all the time! They would look in through the windows, and our cats would look out at them. :)

Mhathy y Peggy said...

Hi friends, just stopping by to say hi... Wags and licks, Peggy

Oskar said...

I would love to see a raccoon, I would chase it down!

Nubbin wiggles,

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi guys!
Oh a raccoon! We used to see those at our old house in the city. Now we see mostly birds and some bigger animals like foxes and deer.
I hope he isn't too hungry, but they are very resourceful, so I am sure he has found something to eat somewhere!