Sunday, February 12, 2012


8am this morning. (Sunday.)

"hehehe... look at sissy!"

"What?  Do I look funny, too?"

This winter has been so mild and we have't got much snow until
this morning!

I sampled fresh powder snow.   

"Want to share with me?"
"Sissy and Bro~, just think if we're in Hawaii!!"

Have a good week, everyone!

Momo & Pinto/J & R


Duke said...

Mother Nature didn't send any snow my way. I'm so jealous! Enjoy your snow, Momo and Pinot!

Love ya lots,

meowmeowmans said...

We haven't had much snow at all this winter. It looks like you're really having a good time with it ... enjoy!

The Thuglets said... got snow! Love your snowie noses and ears.
Enjoy your snow have a great time and lots of fun!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

~ Kirra ~ said...

Wow look at all that snow, and fun times for all.

I love the photo's and only wish we could join in too.

Have a wonderful week too.

Leigh said...

Have fun in the snow! Ours came late this year too - it's just beginning to melt now. Woofs & licks from Magic xx

Cappy the Eskie said...

You both are so lucky. We've never even SEEN snow. I'm sure we'd enjoy it. Ollie would probably start eating it.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and the family.

We haven't forgotten about passing your blog award along. After a trip with Dad to Cabo San Lucas in January, Mom took off for Michigan to spend time with our nephew (her grandson).

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie

Unknown said...

Hi MoMo & Pinot,

Sorry for long time no bark!! I'm so behind with visiting blog friends these days! Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you so much for voting for me at MM - and those are gorgeous snow pictures!! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Jans Funny Farm said...

Snow! So glad we're only getting rain. Enjoy playing in it while you have it, though. Stay warm and safe.

Asta said...

Hehehe sissie Momo and bwuvvew Pinot
That snow looks like fun

I loooove to go womp in snow and spend lots mowe time sniffing than usual..i hope you have lots of fun
Youw hooman bwuvvew looks so happy and handsome

I'm staying nice and wawm, and it's not as cold hewe anymowe , so Mommi loves opening the window and seeing the soft snowflakes fall. I've missed you. Thank you for witing
Smoochie kisses

Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Hi Momo and hi Pinot, I look forward ....spring is my favourite time of the year - not to cold - not much rain (I hope so) and much warmer than it´s dusty, rainy all over the Carnivalweekend....brrrr cold ...not very funny - but your pics are great and you both look happy - like James.
Best to you all
Wuff and LG Aiko

Anonymous said...

Love the photos in the snow. Oddly enough, we haven't had any snow this year. So, thanks for sharing!