Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am shiny again!

Hi it's me, Pinot!  Mom and dad thought I looked hairy :(
so it was time to meet Ms. C at the grooming salon.

Sissy Momo has lost so much hair her own 'summer' coat so she didn't come with me.

Ms C always does a good job and we trust her. 
I was calm on the stand until I saw mom over the window.

While Ms C was trimming my coat, our brudder was wandering in the store.

You probably know The Domestic Viva Martha Stewart has haunched PETS products line.

Hey, brudder's T matches with her signature colour!

What we didn't know is that she has her own POOP BAGS!
Do you prefer simple black bags or beautiful emerald green poop bags?!?

A day after my grooming.
Can you tell my coat is velvety and shiny again?  
Thank you, Ms C.  I feel good again.

Momo & Pinot/J & R

PS:  What?  Martha has her own toilet bowl cleaner!!


Niamh said...

You do look very spiffy Pinot but I am sorry that you had to undergo all that dog grooming torture! You look like you were very patient through it all. And stay away from the toilet bowl cleaner even if it is from Martha Stewart! It is not good for you.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Thor and Jack said...

Looking good after your grooming, Pinot!

Thor and Jack

Adien Crafts said...

Hi M & P :-) Well Pinot you look mega smart after that grooming session, we trust that you came out and found somewhere nice to roll so you could get that smell off you, that's what we do anyway, don't know why SHE doesn't like it when we do that? Have a great week guys, Dex and Lou xxx

Cavaliers Corner said...

Jasper has to get groomed too. His coat gets too long and it's hard to take him for walks and to the beach cos' he picks up all sorts of weeds and twigs along the way. Marley has a shorter coat and longer legs so he keeps his coat all year round. Must be us tri-colours Pinot. Well, at least we smell nice when we come home.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey Pinot - looks like you had to go through grooming torture while Momo got to lounge around at home. I know which I would prefer!

But looking gorgeous afterwards is always a bonus!

The whole Martha Stewart thing is big in the US and Canada I know, but hardly rates a mention here. Most people don't know who she is! My peeps watch her show on pay TV so they are clued up! We don't expect to see her pet stuff here though....online would be the only option.

Have a great day, Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Duke said...

You look so handsome, Pinot!
We haven't seen the Martha Stewart line in our pet store yet. Maybe it's time for another visit!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Shelby said...

Oh Pinot - you are gorgeous! And I didn't know that Martha has a doggie product line - I have to check that out!

Asta said...

You look handsomew than evew!!! I have always loved youw gowgeous shiny coat.
I have nevew seen Ms Stewawts stuff..Mommi doesn't shop much and only in ouw little local stowes in the neighbowhood and she's not awound hewe. Youw ooman bwuvvews is so stylish, I can hawdly stand it. I wish you and sissie Momo would have come wif us to Wuis'Mom's wedding..I miss you
smoochie kisses

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, you do look clean and shiny, Pinot. You must have a lot of hair!

We have to laugh that MS has her own toilet bowl cleaner. We doubt she's ever cleaned a toilet. (Just our guess.)

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

You look spiffy wonderful! My guys have been dropping hair balls everywhere with the heat - brush, brush, more brush. Will have to check out Martha stuff.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

You look very good! But I hope the grooming wasn't too horrible for you!

Rouky said...

You look so good and so young Pinot! You are the eternal puppy! You reminds mom that me, Rouky, needs to be groomed badly.

Mom loves MS and she can't wait to have access to her PETS products in Quebec. She's limited to her Home Depot's line... where she often buys the toilet bowl cleanser (that she cleans herself, mind you!!!).

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Love the groomed look.

Peggy y Mhathy said...

Hi, you looks great like always, after your grooming.

Saludos desde Panamá, Peggy