Let us show you this small Parking spot.
Only our brudder is allowed to park his cars in the house because
he's the KING of the household.

Spring has finally arrived and we do evening walky together lately.
The King's pick of the night was his "Super Car".

He was very proud of his car.

He was super fast and it was hard to keep up. heheh...
Next evening, he picked his cart which he kept his energy drink.
He enjoyed pushing his cart even on a bumpy & hilly walking trail.
Back to our park.
He was everywhere in our neighbourhood for about three hours
before we joined them.
His servant was pooped. :D :D
Meanwhile he was still waling and walking....
We had a bit of walky together at the park.
Then ....., can you see there is something unusual?
First we weren't sure if he was able to hold our leash but..
Momo & Pinot/J & R
What a beautiful walk you all had! Adorable photos!
Thor and Jack
Maybe you can get your brother to give you a ride in one of his vehicles! Looks like you all got lots of nice exercise though.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
Hi there!
Looks like you are having a lot of fun with your two-legged brother!
He seems to be very confident indeed eh eh eh :)!!!
He will surely turn into a top rated trainer!!!
Like your park, would love to come and play with you there!
Ciao Lucille
Hi my canadian friends, so are humans: When they have children - the houserules are total different ....;-)). Like in your family, it´s normal parking cars in the sitting room, or in the bathroom and so on....but - keep your eyes on: When they grown up...they didn´t want to do the same...because their cars will also be greater ....lol...
Here spring is full - the trees are blooming and the birds are singing loud in the early morning. This is my mum´s favorite time of the year.
Thank you for the compliments - and take this welcome as a good sign....perhaps one day - if you visit Germany....in the spring...???
Take care and the pics from you both with your brother are awesome..
Wuff and LG
We love the little silver car! Can James swing by and give us a ride, Momo?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
It's good to be the King... I know this because I am the King of my dawg house! I can't believe how big your King is getting!
WOW....James is getting to be so big and so cute and he has his own car.....hmmm, I may ask Pap fer a car next ta go with my golf cart.....enjoy yer walkies....
Dewey Dewster here....
Wow, your Budder sure looks cool in his King Car! And I can't believe how big he is getting! I can remember when he was a teeny, tiny baby, you know! :-) Now he looks like a little gentleman! Especially with that stylish cap!
Honey the Great Dane
I love all of your dogs! Jeez, awesome photos!
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