Friday, September 04, 2009

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Downtown (Toronto) Playday

The day that we all Cavaliers in Toronto.. maybe Ontario (even outside of Ontario)
were anticipating had finally come!
Here's the Official Photo Page (link is here)
(Pinot) "I have a good feeling today!"
(James) "....................... I am wearing my new hat. "
Paws Way is a new really cool place for doggies & kittes on Toronto's Harbour Front.
When we got to the reception, the VIP pass holders like us were given this cool pass!!
We were told that almost 150 Cavaliers and 200 their servants (aka humans) were
supposed to show up!
Behind the reception area. This indoor playground is really really cool! Ok.. these servants took up so much room in this photo BUT have a close look! Can you see many Cavaliers on their arms or on the floor? The pic from the upper level of the indoor playground! "Where is our mom?" (You can spot her on the almost upper right corner!) We also love the water fountain! It was really nice to see many many happy faces!
I Momo was so grateful to see our fellow Cavaliers.
I was off leash so I was running around to say HELLO!
"I think I just found some familiar faces!!"
When mom took Pinot on leash (lol) to the upper level, I followed them.
Then I saw another familiar face so I went back to the lower floor.
Mom thought she lost me but after a while, she spotted me.
"Have we met before?"
Gee... me Pinot was on leash a whole time. :(
I enjoyed sniffing lots of friends and say woooooooooof
BUT our meany pawrents didn't allow me to run freely.
We were on the upper level. Ohhh so many happy tails!
(It's probably hard but you can see us at the end of the movie.)

Me, Momo... finding my clones.

(I am the one in centre.)

"Did I miss anyone?"
(I Momo was still happily running around.)

OMD, this is a Cavalier heaven!! (We were not here.. lol)
More Cavaliers...
Our human pup brudder probably believed he was one of the gangs,
CKCS... :D :D
mmmm.. maybe not.
Dad and three kids.
The off leash play time was over and many were about to move to a nearby park for lunch.
"The pawty hasn't begun yet!"
Everyone waited in a line to way out but after this photo taken,
our human pup was getting a bit irritable.
So we left from the emergency exit which was not a good idea!!
Toronto Harbour.
(Please enlarge the photo to see more Cavaliers!)
We took a short bread before taking off.
The back is the Toronto's man made beach. :)
CN Tower
Regrettably we had to leave the pawty BEFORE it began so we missed out so much!!!
Our humans had another place to go behind us and we were actually a bit upset.
It was great to see many many other Cavaliers we usually don't meet during our walky.
Some very nice humans came and say hello to us which was VERY nice.
We were so happy to see lots of happy tails!
We really hope there is another playday next year!!
Thanks so much everyone, especially the organizers, sponsors and
volunteers to make this happen.
Momo & Pinot/J & R
ps: We're behind ...
We met up with our friend Toffee at the first time in pawson next day.
And we had MY barkday pawty shortly after...
The pics will be posted soon!! :) :)


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Wow!!! What fun!!! Love your matching scarves!!!! James is a cutie - hugs!!!

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Hi there you two!

First, belated Barkday Greetings Momo - I'm sorry I'm a terrible commenter!

Your day out looked heaps of fun - it's certainly a great idea - hope it's repeated next year & you can stay longer.

Love, pats & pets

Noah the Airedale said...

Goodness me....never in my days have I seen so many Cavaliers. I bet you both had a pawesome time. Little James looks adorable in his new hat...very smart indeed.


Hailey said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time!

Hugs & smooches xoxo

Duke said...

We have seen quite a few Cavaliers while we've been on Nantucket, Momo, but we never meet face to face! We always seem to be heading home when we see them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Happy belated barkday Momo!

Wow!! Your Cavalier Clones meeting looked amazing... even if you didn't get to party on down.

But phew, I'm wagging happy to hear Toffee is still my pupcake, thanks for letting me know! With all the competition from your fellow handsome cavs a pretty girlies head could be turned....

Tell baby Bro he looked sooper dooper in his new hat!

Wiry wags n kissies Eric xxx

Unknown said...

Oh my God, what an AWESOME place that you went to with all those Cavaliers! And what a great idea for a party! Although I can't believe there are SO many Cavaliers in Toronto!! You looked like you both had a great time although - can I ask - how come Momo could come off-leash and Pinot couldn't?

That beach & harbour looked beautiful - even if it was man-made! It looked like a great day - thanks for sharing it!

Hey - I've just tried something new too! Agility! I went to my first ever class last week - come over and check out my you think I will ever do the tunnel or do you think it is just too small??

Honey the Great Dane

Shelby said...

First of all, Momo - belated happy barkday! I hope you had fun celebrating your special day! So, it was great to see you all at the Cavalier Playday last Sunday! That was so much fun! So many cavaliers - it was great to see so many I already know, and to meet some new cavies, too! I hope this will be an annual event!

Heather and Pumpkin said...

I am glad to see the pawty organizers recognized your VIP status :)


Lady Malu ist angekommen.......... said...

Hallo Momo & Pinot, what a wonderful day - and a great idea - that´s what we missed here - only nearby the fields we will have the possibility to meet so many dogs and offline - no and never down in the city. Oh what great pics and the little videos. I can´t believe it. Oh - Canada is too far away but the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels could be happy to live there ;-)) A big Wuff Wuff to you both and your very cute family. Thanks for the compliment - until next time we will read again!!

Boo Boo said...

WOW !!! This pawty looks so nice !! Wish I was there !

Wait, did you say its only for CKCS?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thanks for coming by and celebrating with me. You are a super sissy!!! I am so glad we met up. Yay for Momos!!!!

~ Kirra ~ said...

Now that is impressive. I luv all the photo's and of course the commentary.

Looks to have been a great day out and if only my wee cavalier 'Kirra' (she has her photo under the caption 'My Inspiration' on my blog.

Kirra would have loved every minute of the day with so many of her chums as well as looking for the tasty morsel or two.

I am so pleased I found your blog - it is so wonderful.

Lindsay said...

Was there no event this year? We took our Cavalier last year and he LOVED it! Was looking forward to this year but heard nothing!

CZYK Publishing said...

This is so exciting! I wish I had an event like this near me. You must have had a great time.