I found a new toy!
Yes, a new toy!! What a fun game!
Our dad found this old frisbee in the locker and we took it to the park.
I Pinot couldn't wait to see how it worked.
It was very simple.
Somehow this toy took off to the sky. Can you see MY frisbee in the air??
"Dad, you're good at throwing it! Let Pinot chase it!"
I wasn't able to catch it in the air but I manage to find it on the ground and took it back.
"It's mine...."
"I said it's mine!" (Pinot)"Can I join my brudder in the future?" (James)
Momo & Pinot/J & R
Good job with the frisbee Pinot! It is a great game and lots of exercise. Your dad can really throw that frisbee far.
Your friend,
How clever Pinot! You're definitely mastering the the art of retrieving!
Me .... I retrieve but I won't give back! What's I find is MINE! :D
Licks and Wags
TUffy of Dog WOods
Hah - just wait until James is up and running - he'll be catching that frisby before either one of you! So, um - how is that hottie cavalier, Simon?
Frisbee players, are ya ???? Yeah, we need ta learn that one ourselves....yep, we tend ta want ta chew it up once it lands.....guess we have ta go ta Frisbee school and get a new outlook on the sport....
James is lookin' like he's gettin' big....is he walkin' yet ??? What a cutie pie...
Dewey Dewster here....
Pinot! That frisbee is bigger than you!
glad you had fun playing with it!
Kisses and hugs
We are back from our boat trip and dropping by to say hello and catch up with all the news.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Well done Pinot. That frisbee does look a little big but you did well regardless.
We can't wait to see you and James playing frisbee together, Pinot! Keep on practicing!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow!! What a great toy you found!!
~lickies, Ludo
Frisbee is so much fun...but I destroyed mine in 2 minutes....oups. Oh James is sooooo cute ! Please give him a big kiss from me....and a lot of kisses for you !
Faya & Dyos
Oh, what fun. Wish we had a fenced back yard so we could play with one.
That frisbee looked like a lot of fun! You sure know how to catch a frisbee! *grins*
I too can only get a frisbee from the ground. he he
Wow Pinot I am worn out reading about it. I don't really think James wants to play too.
Pinot, You look so happy! I'd have got a new toy, too! I've alreday broken though...
Momo and Pinot,
Please help!
Axl, Autumn's little brother has accidently bumped his head and has been very sick after that: vomit, seizure, hasn't eaten for a week, please, I'm begging you to visit Autumn's blog to support her and sending positive power to help for a good recovery!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mango, Ximui and Chubs
Hi Momo & Pinot,
I missed you too!
Loved seeing all those photos of you enjoying the Spring - especially the ones with your tongues hanging out - you look like you're smiling!
And wow - you're so clever to play Frisbee...I never got the hang of that! Duh!
That picture of you with James is just gorgeous...
Honey the Great Dane
Wow, great job with the frisbee! I got some new toys this weekend too. So much fun to play with new toys!
You are so good playing frisbee, Pinot! I am just learning how to play with that.
w00f's, heehee i see James as a future frisbee throwing champion..Pinot will b there to b his trainer..
b safe,
Wow Pinot, that frisbee sure look fun. I feel like playing too!!! and Im sure James will be very good in throwing the frisbee too.
slurpy lick,
Cute pictures, I don't know a dog that does not like to catch or chase a frisbie, cute little baby.
You sure like your new toy eh?
Solid Gold Dancer
I remember the ad for Mighty Dog dog food about how a little dog uses more energy than a dog twice his size - well I think you can run with the big dogs now! Great frisbee work!
licks & slobbers,
Charlie & human
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