We didn't' get to see any Cavalier friends this year but said hello to many other friends.
"Our fellow Cav friend, Shelby, Where are you?!?
Can we find Jaffe and Kaylie????"
We have lots of favorite thingies but one of them is this harness made
by Canadian Company, Buudy-Belt.
Me, Pinot tried some harnesses on and picked a silver one for myself!!!
We got a chance to take a photo taken with the fonder of this company, Roxanne.
"What a nice lady! We will go home with you!"
We missed all contests at Woofstock but we still had lots of fun!
We got home after more walky in harbour front area.
After shower, Pinot changed to his bathrobe that my mom brought back from Tokyo.
("Thanks, grandma!)
"Good Night!"
UPDATE on Pinot's surgery:
Thank you so much for your kind comments.
My wound is definitely healing so dad took my lampshade off.
I feel good. I eat well and do 'normal' activities.
I'll have a check-up with my vet sometime soon. :)
Woofstock looks like superb fun. I hope you're feeling better after your snip Pinot.
Toodle pip
Harry x
w00f's Momo and Pinot, watt a fun time u all had...lots of doggies there to meet and greet..heehee me like Pinot's robe...
b safe,
Hey Pinot and Momo - it's me - your fellow cavi friend, Shelby! I DID go to Woofstock on both days! So sorry I missed you. I think I was long gone by the time you guys got there. I saw several cavis on my two visits - all of the colours were well represented. Hey, have you heard about PawsWay? It's only the latest and greatest doggie place to hit Toronto! It just opened down at Harbourfront - I can't wait to go! So, glad you're on the mend from your snip snip, Pinot. And you look really cute in your robe - I had one too when I was a pretty young thing - hmmm, I wonder if it still fits - I'll have to see if I can still squeeze into it! Wish me luck!
Hi Momo & Ponit,
Just stopping by to say hello. We haven't been visiting any blogs much this week since I have been busy intertaining Jody but he is going home tomorrow and I know I'm gonna cry. We will be catching up on everybody's blogs next week.
Love ya both...Mona, the Mommy and Jody too!!
Gee Pinot glad ta hear ya shed the lampshade..it was definitely not yer color...But the bathrobe is super cool...makes ya look a bit like Rudolph Valentino.....by now ya must be back ta yer old self....Woofstock looks like a lot of fun...glad ya at least got ta go fer a spell...ya know we don't blog everyday either.....twice a week maybe....'n Gram is goin' ta scale back fer the summer cause the weather is just too nice ta spend inside....Have a great week!!!!!
Dewey Dewster here....
That looks like a great dog event. Wish we had something that good down here. I'm glad that you got to pick out your own harness.
Your friend,
Hi, Momo and Pinot!
Woofstock looks very interesting. Sure you had fun there meeting lots of doggie friends!
I am sure Pinot felt himself like a big boy chosing his own harness!
Glad he is doing so well!
Kisses and hugs
Maybe it's a good thing we don't have that here becaseu PL2 would be broke from buying so much stuff!! (the bath robe is very chic and is YOU) Love A+A
Hello Momo & Pinot,
Woofstock looks like a fun event!
Hope Pinot is feeling better from his snip snip. Our owner is thinking of getting us snip snip too.
I wanna go to Woofstock too!!! But it looks sooo hot out there. Hope you guys got alot of water to drink.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow what a great event. I bet Pinot enjoyed his first time there.
Glad to hear he is feeling better and that nasty lampshade is gone.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
That looks like so much fun! We're glad you're back to feeling like yourself, Pinot!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It looks like you have a very pawsome weekend.
Pinot, I love your bathrobe. My jie jie sew a pink colour one for me but I have yet to have the chance to wear it yet.
Hi Momo & Pinot!
Woofstock looks so fun! Maybe next year I will take a trip to TO to join in!
Glad to hear Pinot is feeling better - cute bathrobe!
Love Clover xo
Momo and Pinot
That looks like a gweat event..and I'm so glad you got youw own hawness Pinot.you cewtainly deewve it especially since you'we a big boy now!!!
You look adowable in that bafwobe..almost wowf taking a baf fow that, hehehe
smoochie kisses
Asta sissy
Glad to hear you recover fully and so quickly. Have a sweet tuesday!
WoofStock looks like a BLAST! I bet you two were big show-stoppers there!
Tell your mama that her baby bump is very cute.
Glad to hear Pinot is recovering so well.
Goober love & smooches,
Wow - I wish we had an equivalent here in the UK.
Hi from www.wuffstuff.com, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to tell to add stuff to our dog lovers site.
Hope you have time to have a look at us.
Does Woofstock ever come to my area??! You make it look like way too much fun and feasting!
w00f's Momo and Pinot, me not shure iffin u iz close to where this is happening but iffin u iz please b careful..read chef's post fur today its at http://boxerdogblog.blogspot.com/
b safe,
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Momo and Pinot... you are absolutely beautiful Cavaliers. I have a Cav friend just down the street.
Woofstock looks like so much fun. I sure wish we had one here in Montreal. Sorry to hear that Pinot hadn't been feeling well, but I'm sure glad he's ok now.
Glad I've gotten to know you both!
sees that you've got a great time over there.. how i wish i could be there too..
That sure looks like a fun even. I hope Pinot will feel ok soon
~ Girl girl
It looks like a real fantastic day out what a cute in your bath robe.
like the phot of your dad eatting corn on the cob did he give you a bit.
Ludo the cool dude.
Friends! I read some awful news today about a dog park in Toronto. I am sure you have heard, but here is the link just in case. Please be safe!
Love Clover xo
After "national" it is supposed to say: /dogs_poisoned
Woofstock looks like lots of fun. You sure do have some interesting travels.
Pinot, you are definitely growing up!
purrs and tail wags
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