Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We'll move shortly!
Dad and mom just picked up the key
We explored our new place at the first time! :)
First we noticed there is a stair case in this place.
"Wheeewww, We had no idea you could have a stair case in a house!"
Our first photo shoot in this place was taken!
(Momo) "Running up and down on the stair case is a very good exercise!
I'll get rid of my winter weight!"
(Mom) "I need this exercise, too!"
"Let's go downstairs, again!"
Then we checked out THE most important place,
A kitchen!!!
We were moving quickly and never stopped sniffing around.
Therefore all the pictures are blurry. :(

" Let's check out this room! How's the view, dad?"

"Dad, we love this new place. We can't wait to move in!"
Momo & Pinot/J & R


the Corgi Girls said...

Your new pad looks great, how much fun!

M & I

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, what a beautiful place. And stairs. We could use some stairs to exercise Jan on.

You'll all enjoy your new home.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Momo and Pinot!
Looks like you like your new place! I am not so sure about stairs but I can see you two had mastered!
Moving all the stuff is going to be fun! Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs

Snowball said...

Your new house looks beautiful. You must be really excited about the big shift!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey, sissy and Pinot, your place looks great! Is it bigger than your old one? We kitties love stairs - perfect for playing Thundering Herds of Elephants. Lots of exercise fro everyone but please ask mommy to be careful on those stairs, both now and later.

Simba and Jazzi said...

That looks like a really nice house. Love the last photo.

Simba x

Cassidy said...

Oooh, how excititng to be moving house, it looks very nice! Me likes how you can see mum taking the photo on the last pic!

Cassidy x

Niamh said...

You will have lots of fun with the stairs. You two can stand at the top, drop a tennis ball or toy down the stairs and then chase it to the bottom.

Good luck in your new home.

Sophie Brador said...

Great place! Did you guys buy a house? Are you still downtown?


Daisy said...

Your new place looks really pretty! I like the wood floors and the colors on the wall. I love running up and down the stairs at my house, so I know it is fun.

Noah the Airedale said...

Oooh nice place Momo & Pinot but you'll have to say goodbye to the awesome view from your apartment. That view really was something else. Do you have a nice outlook from your new place?

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Duke said...

We bet you get lots of exercise on those stairs! Mitch sure would! Your new place is just beautiful! How exciting for all of you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Boo Casanova said...

momo & pinot, i miss you two.

wow, new house eh? you'll love to walk up & down the stairs, trust me.

wet wet licks


Anonymous said...

Your new place looks great - I hope the move goes as smoothly as possible!


Anonymous said...

新しいお家。カギ・・・もしかしてmy home。おめでとうございます。

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

think of all the new smells! Woooo!

Le Mops said...

Congrats on the new home! I tink a monster lives at the bottom of stairs (not at the top tho), so be careful going down!!!!! You are so lucky your hoomans got you suck a nice house!

Amber-Mae said...

Hey, nice house or is it an apartment? Looks cozy inside & I can see how much you both like the place alot.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lizzy said...

That looks like a great place! Staircases are the best, I love to race my human up and down them.


Stanley said...

Momo Girl!

LOVE the new digs! How soon before you move in? Will you and Pinot get your own room?

We like that last photo the best. Your sneaky mama took a photo of herself with you guys!

Goober love & Congratulatory smooches,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

How fun for you two...and you can play the BEST games on those steps...!!!!! We stand at the top and Mumsie plays "Noisy Monster!" We bark at her and chase her down and go game ever!!!

Our house has the same white baseboards and we swear the same paint looks very familiar!!!!!

Hey...we know ur busy...BUT!!!!!!!!!

We're havin' a surprise Welcome Home from Wome Pawty for Asta next week, and a Barkday Pawty (SSSSHHHH) for Ruby!!!

Go to Ruby's bloggie and sign up if you can come....PLEASE!!!!!

Wiry Barks,

Clover said...

Congrats on your new place!! Looks like tons of fun to run around - you are both soo good at the stairs!
Love Clover xo

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

We are moving too shortly I think after seeing your photo's of your new place i will put some on my blog too.

Ludo the cool dude

Sassy Kat said...

Wow looks you you all have a nice new place. When are you all moviing? I didn't see a bathroom so maybe you won't have to take so many baths as you did in the other home, ha, ha, ha. Do you have a yard to play in?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi, sissy and Pinot! I get to go out quite a bit this weekend because SS stayed home on Friday as well. It's still very sunny but starting to get cool now so we only go out in the afternoon.

Dewey Dewster said...

Looks like you both have a nice new home...but I didn't see a doggie bed anywhere.....must be one of those somewhere, right? Oh and I picked the wrong bloggie again and saw the foreign language. Is that Japanese...if so we can ask our neighbor, Etsuko, to translate since that is her profession...Japanese translation. Wow, you guys are really smart...we only know English.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

the many Bs said...

oh this is very exciting to have a new house to live it. it looks big and has lots of room to run.


Faya said...

Woohoo what a beautiful place to live... I am sure you will be happy there ! Beautiful citchen...
Kisses, Faya

Ben & Darling said...

Your new house look like a super cool place!!! Im sure you all will have a great live staying there and again I love the pic. I like the 1st pic, you & Pinot sitting on the staircase & the last pic you, pinot, dad & mom, so sweet.

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Momo and Pinot!
Sorry we haven't been around lately...
That's a really neat new home!! It looks really pretty!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Anonymous said...

Glad you like your new home. I also have stairs, i play with a game on the stairs it involves an empty mik carton, its great fun, you's should try it.

take care

paws up