Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'll be a big sissy soon!!!
Looks like my pawrents found a new family member.
Isn't this little one adorable?? :)
He's a 8 weeks old Cavalier boy but he's really tiny so
we'll pick him up sometime next week.
This is SO exciting and I thought I should share this good news with
my friends!
Obviously my pawrents already celebrated over bubbly that
I was not allowed to try. I celebrated with huge beef marrow bones!! hehehe....
I can hardly wait to welcome him.
This is my usual night walky but soon he will join us! :)
"Mom, I found a new Christmas tree over there!"
"Chhhhheeeesssseee!" Momo/J & R


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh, sissy-Momo, how exciting! Isn't he just adorable! So cute! I am sure you will have fun together. Good to be the first to welcome the new member of your family.

Anonymous said...

OH MY DOG Momo that is soooo exciting!! HM wants you to put up loads of pics of you and your new brother (she loves the tris!!)

What's his name?


Snowball said...

WOW! A new little brother. That is going to be fun!!! Congratulations.


Boo Casanova said...


CONGRATULATIONS! you gonna have bitey face partner. what you gonna name him?

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Momo
That is great news! Sure you are happy! He is soooo cute!
I can't wait to see him with you at your home!
Have a good night

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, new little brudder! Sooo adorable he is...I'm sure you're gonna be a good sissy.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Goofy said...

oh!! he's so adorable... you've got a new buddy to play now! that'll be real fun!

Simba and Jazzi said...

oh wow a sister, thats so cool. Love the Christmas tree.

Simba xx

Katherine and Pippa said...

Congratulations Momo. He is very good-looking. You will need to keep him in order and make sure that he respects you as his big sissy. You don't want him to steal the limelight.

It is ace fun to have a pal around though.


Faya said...

Ohhhhh Momo ! It is Christmas before Christmas !!!! He looks so tiny .... You will be a nice sister, the best one.
Kisses, Faya

Amber said...

Oh whoa, Momo, he is awfully cute!! This is so exciting, you have to get ready for his arrival! You have a new bro to play with :), I am so excited and happy for you
The Christmas Tree is so pweety!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Momo.. this is great news!!!! We can't wait to see tons and tons of pictures!

Harry said...

Congrats Momo. If you need any tips for keeping him under control, I'm your man!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Clover said...

Yay Momo! A new brother! This is so exciting! You will be a great sister, I know it. Will your parents let you name him?! We can help you pick something nice! :) hehe...
Love Clover xo

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Congrats! What wonderful news! Your little brother will be there in time for the holidays!

Opus and Roscoe

Sassy Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sassy Kat said...

Oh I almost forgot to thank you for going to Rome with Momo and me. We sure had a blast riding around in Opus's Ferrari trying to find Asta &and Roscoe. Sure couldn't find them though.We'll have to do something like that again.

Sparky said...

How exciting for you Momo! I know you will just adore your new little addition - and if he is anything like Patches, hide all of your toys now!

Sassy Kat said...

Hey it's me again. I made a oops so I deleted that post. So I will try again. Didn't want you to think blogger is messing up, just me.
Oh, well anyway Oh wow!!!!! That is great!!! Congrats. You are going to be a big sister!! There is a lot of responsibility with that. What a sweet little sweetie to add to your family

Daisy said...

Oh Momo, this is very exciting news! You are going to be a big sister! Congratulations on the new addition to your family. I think you will have much fun with the little guy.

Ruby Bleu said...

OMD Momo...congrats! I'm so excited for you. You are going to be such a great big sissy!!!! So, what's his name? Does he have a name yet? Make sure you get lots of pictures.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Ricky Pepper said...

Oh MY DOG! A big sissy??! Your pawrents must really think you're a great leader to give you a little brudder. Make sure you teach him, pee-pee outside, bitey face, my-toys-are-my-toys-and-your-toys-are-my-toys, and give him lotsa kisses and cuddles (when no one is looking) tee-hee!

Congrats! We are SO excited for you!


Duke said...

Congratulations, Momo! Your baby brother is absolutely adorable! We can't wait till he gets to your house and the two of you can run and play together!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

What fabulous news!
I'm suwe you will be a tewwific big sissy, youw bwuddew looks adowable, and you'll have so much fun having someone to play with and teach evewything to1
I'm so vewy happy fow you
smoochie kissses

Anonymous said...

wow! it is very exiting!
can't wait to see your brother.

Anonymous said...

oh wow! Really exciting news!

Keep us posted! Lovely Jubbley as we say in the UK!

love and licks, Marvin Braveheart Houndxxxxxx


Sassy Kat said...

Come on over, you must check things out. We have a new CCSI!!!!! It's set to air in December.

Lacy said...

woofies Momo, watt a cutie he iz...heehee Momo, watt iffin u new widdle brudder iz as fiesty as stanley's sissy stella, or harry's widdle sissy cassidy...u will have ur paws full...but watt fun u will has...

b safe,

Tiny said...

Hope you won't be jealous of your little brother ;-)

Maya and Kena said...

OMD Momo!!
That is SO exciting!!!
I remember when we got Kena, it was a surprise actually. When I first saw her, I ignored her, but the second day I started getting more suspicious of the dog who had stayed in my house overnight!!
Can't wait to meet your lil' bro!
Wags and licks,

Shelby said...

A little brother - wow -that's so exciting - congratulations! I wish I could have a little sister, but my mom keeps saying no way hosay - she's a one dog at a time kind of person! So, I'm so pleased for you! Hey, your family is half way there to having all 4 cavalier colours - looking forward to news of when you get a black & tan and a ruby to come live with you! (hehe!)

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Momo, I'm BACK! Woh you're gonna be a big sissy, that's so exciting. Can't wait to meet your new brother

~ Girl girl

Sassy Kat said...

It's Thanksgiving today over in the USA so I am stopping by to say Happy Turkey day to you. This is a holiday where the humans sit around all day and eat, eat, and eat some more. Hope something good falls on the floor today and I get it.

Unknown said...

momo.... other friend... yupi...
a new little brother is grate..
we are so exciting too..
a big hug

Anonymous said...

Wow! How exiting and what a cute puppy!!!! :o)

Sorry, for not coming around so much lateley, my mom just won't let me on the computer 'cause she was too busy. Well, you know how hard it is to find a propper secretary... ;o)

Hugs & Kisses, Alex

Xsara and Tani said...

Awwww, your baby brother is adorable! That's really exciting news, we are so happy for you!

Stanley said...

Momo Girl!!

You are going to be a PAWSOME big sissy to your baby bruzzer. Do you know what his name is yet? Have YOU met him yet?

I can't wait to see you two together. You're so patient, I bet you'll have no problem dealing with his little baby shark teeth, or him following you everywhere you go, or him wanting to be snuggled and hugged by your parents. (Do I sound bitter? I don't mean to be. I love Stella, but I'm still getting used to having her around).

Love & extra goober smooches to everyone at Casa de Momo,

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Momo! That's really exciting. Do you get to name him? YOu are going to be an excellent big sister.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hope you enjoyed our Ferrari Day in Rome. It was fun enough jsut racing around Rome, but in a Ferrari! Wowwee! I am so happy to have 2 lovely woofies to call me sissy. Can't wait to see more of 'our' new brother! Must get your parents to do a special edition on your blog with his photos.

Frances Louise said...

Excellent news! It's always so nice to have a sibling.

powder-puff said...

HEY momo!!!

AAAAAARRRROOO how exciting, your new brother is adorable!!!

I cant wait to find out more about him!!!

have a happy thanksgiving!!

peace out

Thor and Jack said...

WOW! This is a great new!
The little one is adorable and very cute.

Love and licks

the many Bs said...

hi Momo, oh, this is exciting. a new little baby brother! he's very cute. we can't wait for you to meet him and see his pictures all over your blog. you're going to have so much fun playing with him and training him.

happy woofers.

Islay said...

Oh Momo, congratulations to you and your family!!! It is sooo nice to have a friend to play with! I wish you and your new brother many happy days together.

licks & slobbers

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey sissy-Momo, SS is either stressed out or getting senile and absent minded. We came across one of your comments in Opus and Roscoe's blog and she said 'Did I say that?' She couldn't tell one Momo from another. Good thing the pictures are on the posts. Worrying, isn't it? Hope she doesn't forget to feed and cuddle me, or worse feed and cuddle the wrong kitty.

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Momo,
This is our first visit to your blog. Wow you're getting a new brother, that's ever so exciting. Congratulions.
We've just looked at your older post and we're so thrilled you love Jamie Oliver too. We have the food channel here and our pinkie is always watching it. We've got all the Jamie cook books too.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Momo, he looks supercute! Can't wait to find out more about him. J x

Maya and Kena said...

Hiya Momo!
Yes, we do have a little turkey left. Here you go! *hands over a turkey leg*
How was your Thanksgiving?
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Momo, thanks for adding us to your list of friends, we'll add you to our list too.
If you need any advice on how to handle a sibling let me know. I have experience.......sigh.


Anonymous said...

Hello Momo, I feel so much have not visited your blog.
your brother is very pretty.

Ben & Darling said...

Momo, you got a new brother!!!

He is soooooooooooo cute and Im sure he is a handsome pup. When is he coming back?? When?? When??

Cant wait to see him.

Ben & Darling said...

Oh ya, MOmo. You can check out Shushu on my bloglist. He got a new cav brother.

jaffeboy said...

Wow.... how exciting for you!!! He is so adorable! Both of you will receive lotsa attention when walking together.

Hope he get to go home soon.

Oh, what's the name?

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh cannot wait to meet your new Sissy!

She looks beautiful!

love and happy licks, Marvin xxxxx

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

your brother is dead cute,great news I bet you cant wait to have hin home.


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Congratulations on your new baby brother. He is so cute. I can't wait to see you and him together.
I can just imagine the two of you running around & playing together.
Your are going to be a good big brothers.

Des he have a name yet?

Mona & the Mommy

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey, sissy-Momo,
The call for audition for the next CCSI episode has come out. Please head over to Sassy's blog to volunteer. I have put my name down for ANYTHING that the producer/director see fit to cast me in.
Purrs and lickies from your sissy