Asta & Bailey's combined barkday pawty was absolutely pawsome!!
First of all, Air Ruby gave us an excellent service and we all got to the pawty on time. It was great to see all my friends.
We all danced together, ate a lot of yummy food and enjoyed great drinks....
I am sure the pawty thingy for Asta and Bailey will be continued for a while... :)
Meantime my barkday bash came to the end with a very
nice pressie from my dearest friend Amber!!!! (mom) Momo, your barkday was 2nd!
"Mom, can you open the package?"
Amber, pink is my favorite colour!!! I got very cute pink kitty and a lovely card!!
Thank you so much, Amber!!!!!!
"Mom, I wanna try this Chicken wrap now!"
*Momo's mom here: Sorry for this blurry photo. Momo was jumping all over
to get a chicken wrap. :)
The weather has been so mild in Toronto.
I cann't believe that 24th was the First Day of Autumn.
A few days ago, we spontaneously decided to drive to The Scarborough Bluffs
which only takes 30 minutes by drive from where we live.
Our first stop is Cathedral Bluffs Park in a residential area.
My pawrents have been here but never really explored.
So we thought we should cross this line and keep walking....
"I can see Lake Ontario.
but what are we going to see??"
"OMD!!!! Look at that!!!"
We can overlook Bluffers Park Marina!
It's hard to tell from this picture but we were VERY high up from the marina.
"What a gorgeous view!!"
We can also overlook the bootiful sand beach!
"Mom, let's get down there! I am so up to!"
So we drove to Bluffer's Park.
"Can you see the lookout that we took pictures ten minutes ago?"
My dad tried to let me swim! :("Dad, forget it!!"
My dad didn't give up and he carried me.
(Dad) "Say cheese!!!! Mom is taking your picture!"
I thought my mom was gonna come and pick me up but she didn't
coz she thgoutht I was having a good time.
I thought she might have left us alone.
I was panicked.
I was going to walk in the water to reach to my mom but
the water was much deeper than I thought.
Then.... I straggled first but swam at the first time in my life!!!!
It came out naturally 10 seconds after my major panic attack in the water!
(I had no choice!)
The very nice lady and her Border Collie applauded for me. :)
Please excuse my mom's strange giggle.
She was also in panicked coz she knew I HATE being in the water.
"Dad, I made it BUT
I won't love you for a little while! I am so wet."
Honestly it was THE scariest experience in my life.
I won't do it again!
Me, wrapping up cozily in my pawrents' car.
"I think have to take a full bath tonight."
(Momo's mom here... )
I took this pic while extending my arm...
it's bad but this was we've got. :(
"No mattet what, I had a good time." :)
Momo/J & R