Friday, February 16, 2007

Hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day!
My dad sent these roses to my mom... These are so beautiful... smell so nice! Definitely the roses make my mom very happy. :) ... which brings Momo a big smile. :) :) Momo/J & R


Boo Casanova said...

hey momo,

aren't you getting flowers too? you should! or at least your mom should give one of those roses to you.

wet wet licks


p/s: please vote for me for the DWB's Awesome Blog Award.

Juno said...

Hi Butchy & Snickers
yeah.. these roses are still very pretty and smell wonderful! :)

Hi Boo
ha ha ha.. TRUE! My mom should give me at least one rose! I guess she knew I would chew it right away!!


Juno said...

Boo.. I will vote for you!
