Monday, July 29, 2019

Beach day!

Hello friends!

How's your summer so far?!?

Our brudder finished his school year the end of June and he's in 
the middle of VERY long summer holiday.

Mommy and daddy does usual everyday, work!  :D

He's a mid-distance runner and just ran at Provincial Championships
on past Saturday and Sunday.

Pawsome job, hoooman kids!!

Well...., non service animals are not allowed at the stadium
so I had to stay home.
Guilty feeling pawrents took me to Toronto's doggie friendly 
Cherry Beach yesterday!

My kind of summer activity!!

Some doggies stay with their hoomans at hooman section
but many enjoy swimming at Doggies Only Sections.

"Hey, I am swimming.  You're walking in the water, Mr.!"

or jumping over the wave!

"Como'n Daddy!"

"Miss Poodle.  Follow me!  We can swim together!"

"Excuse me Ms.!  You picked up a wrong toy!!
That's mine!"

We all play well after all and had tons of fun!!

Have a great summer, everyone!

Pinot/J & R


Brian's Home Blog said...

How wonderful to have a fun at the beach day!

Dandy Duke said...

What a great way to spend a hot day! Enjoy your summer, Pinot!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have never been to a beach, but it sure looks like a lot of fun.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Ruby said...

Pinot, what a FABulous summer so far!!!! OMD, you had one helluva time at the beach, huh?? I would have loved to set up a lounge chair and watch you gurls swim after your toys! (I don't gets my furs wet. nope. These furs are just too FABulous to muss up! in reality, I just don't likes the water.)
Ruby ♥

Julie said...

WOOHOO fur summer holidays!!!
What FUNS you had at the beach...I think you are soooo brave getting your paws (and the rest of you) sooo wet, I'm not keen on getting my Princess Slippers wet but I can see from your photos I'm missing out on such great FUNS!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a fin time at the beach Pinot!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Hello from across the Lake! Wow! You sure had a good time at the beach! What a good idea during all our extra hot weather lately! Good luck to your young person for running on the track team. My young person Ryan likes to run and bike with his Dad too.
Keep cool, Pinot!
Your friend, Chester
(My ghostwriter wonders how you brush all the sand out of your furs when you get home.)

meowmeowmans said...

Pinot, it looks like you and your brudder are both having such a fun summer! How nice that there are beaches for hoomans AND dogs! :)

Tamago said...

I enjoyed the photos and videos. What a fun time you had on the beach :-)