Momo-Pinot Noir!!!
Look what dad found last night!!!
Tada~~~~!! It's New Zealand wine called Momo-Pinot Noir!
According to this Australian online wine shopping site Wine Snub,Momo means 'offspring' in Maori in New Zealand.
(Momo) "We definetely have to try this wine!"
(Pinot) "Is wine good for puppies? It has your name, sissy!"
Has any doggies, kitties, hammies tried this wine????
It's been freezing and dark here in Toronto and we haven't been able to doa long evening walky lately. :(
What we can do is I,Momo do my business outside very quicly :D
and we all escape to the underground shopping mall. :)
We don't have so much to update so we'd like to post these two pictures.
1: "Let's do our business together!"
(Pinot) "I am learning where to go and peepee and poopoo... slowly."
(Momo) "I think I know where to do..........! :)"
2: "Let's take a bath together!"
(Momo) "A bath time. Yay! I will smell good."
(Pinot) "Help me.. I am in soaked." :(
Momo & Pinot/J & R
Quick, SS, we are first again. Wow, Momo-Pinot Noir! An Australian wine too. SS we have to get one and celebrate across the continent with my sissy!
Pardon me, my mistake, a NZ wine , not an Australian one. Not too far geographically :)
Momo and Pinot
I have to find that and celebwate too..guess what, youw twinMomo has asked me to be hew sissy and so has sassy cat...I said yes..that means that you will be my sissy and bwuvvew too!! Isn't that gweat???
Mommi (who you can call Mommi now too) has made us badges to put on ouw sidebaws, sassy thinks we should do it on fwiday, but I don't know whewe to send it cause I don't have youw pee mail..if you don't want it that way, you can just take it fwom one of us aftew we post it
love and smoochie kisses
Asta youw new sissy
pee ess. you two look too adowable fow wowds
woofies Momo and Pinot...wowzers momo dats pawsome a wine wiff ur name....luveded the picturs esp dat last one....
b safe,
Momo and Pinot!
That is CRAZY that there is a wine totally named after YOU! I don't know if wine is good for doggies (I don't think it probably is), but your mama & dad have GOT to try it!
You two are so cute on your puppy pads together and in the bathtub. Momo, it sounds to me like you actually LIKE getting a bath! Is that true?
And yes, we DID get your Christmas card! Sorry we didn't let you know right away. It was bootiful & is hanging up (still) with our other cards!
Goober love & smooches,
You are so cute! I can't take the maid with me any more when I visit your blog or I will become jealous!!!
You two are so gorgeous together - I love that photo of you both in the bath!!
If we ever come across that wine I'll make sure HM gives it a try.
Your very own wine named after you. It doesn't get much better then that.
Simba x
Oh that's interesting that there's a wine with same name as you doggies. You look so happy in the tub Momo.
I got your birthday card last nite. I love it, it's so pawsome. Thanks you
~ Girl girl
You 2 look so cute together. Pinot, you still have lots to learn from your big sissy.
Wow! Underground shopping mall? That's sooo kewl! You & Pinot are sooo cute doing things together. Keep warm okay?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Let me know if you find a pippa wine.
I doubt it somehow.
I'll bet that wine is very delicious! I have never seen an underground shopping center before. Where I live, they do not even have basements in the houses because we are just barely above sea level!
You two are so cute!
It is pretty cold here in Texas today too!
I knew it ! You both are famous ! Your own wine.... and Pinot noir....I will try to find it here..
I love the picture from you in the bath...
Kisses, Faya
That's pretty awesome that wine is named after you! This makes you famous!
We've never heard of underground malls! They sound very cool!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
is that a coincidence or wat?
have ur parents plan to name ur brother pinot, all along even b4 they discover the wine?
Whoa, how cool is that! I would love to try that wine. I love the pics of you and pinot together. Is simply too adorable!!
Amber :)
Hey Momo, fancy having a wine named after you! That's pawsome! J x
pinot is small still..hehehe
he looks like a doll.
Checkin in with ya two, big announcement tomorrow. Oh what fun we will have!!!!!
Our big announcement today! Please come over and celebrate with Momo-Pinot noir, what else!
Checking in with my new sissy and little bro. I am so glad that we are siblings. We can thank Karl for the challenge and for our minds for working overtime. This is so neat!
How cool is that!!!??? I'm still waiting for a Sherman Shiraz to be unveiled...I do get better with age.
Oh, how neat. You two have a wine named after you. Isn't that the wine Momo is serving to celebrate the great news? We're happy for all of you now that you're gaining another sissy and brother.
jans funny farm
Hi, Momo and Pinot!
Its awesome to know that you have a wine with your name! Cool!
those pictures of you two are simply adorable! Thanks for sharing them!
Kisses and hugs
Hey momo and pinot!!
WOW that wine was MADE for you!!!!
And that picture of you two taking a bath is so Adorable, Pinot looks so sad and wet!!
Lots of love!
peace out
DeewSissyMomo and Baby bwuvvew Pinot...How lucky fow me, when Momo youw twin asked me to be hew sissy..I was instantly youws too..I couldn't be happiew ow pwoudew to have such wondewful and bootiful siblings..I think the five of us awe a gowgeous family, and since youw Dad found the pawfect wine fow us..we will always have some on paw to celebwate ouw big occasions...thanks fow the congwatulations on my gwaduation...I'm posting about ouw family tomowwow
smoochie kisses
Wow Momo,
You have a wine named after you and it is a pinot noir - so coincidence!
Thanks for sharing the photos of pinot & you, we like the last one - both of you look so cute there!
How excellent is that wine! I hear I am due a bath tomorrow, great!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh that is so cute I can't stand it! I love that you can walk in the mall. How nice of them. I wish beans in the US would let my woofie cousin walk in the mall. He is a yellow lab but the uber cold here still bugs him.
Concatulations on your wonderful new family!
Hey! I just watched the funniest video! Check out the latest adventure from Mookie and Sam (two of the world's cutest dogs) on youtube. Their new video is called "Sam goes to Texas" and it's so cute! I highly recommend it.
Don't forget to check out their website for more!
Oh boi, we loved that last photo! Momo you love baths and Pinot so doesn't get it hahhahhaa...
You are guys are famous! Stay warm guys... its coooollllddd down here too!
Pinot lookes so funny in the bath!
PS: I don't think wine is good for puppies, but I'm sure your people already know that!
Hi Momo
Our pinkies have had lots of NZ wines from Malborough but haven't tried that one yet. Will look for it though and try it out too. How funny that it has your names on it....
Let us know what it's like. Our pinkies are rather keen on their wines.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
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