Friday, November 09, 2007

Momo @ Sydney, Australia
Yesterday I was welcomed by Momo-cat & Charlie at
their moms' university in Sydney, Australia!
You wouldn't be surprised I had a pawsome time, would you? :)
As a Canadian dog who already welcomed winter (Daaaah), I enjoyed nice summer air very much.
The weather in Sydney was absolutely gorgeous!
Having caviar, goat cheese, cold meat, more meat at
this bootiful garden was so much fun. Thanks everyone to welcome me!
Here I am, back in Toronto!
Our weather has been depressing!!
It's been either rain or very cloudy, dark, kinda windy...not very nice.
This picture was taken around 5:30pm.
It's so dark already... not very nice.
Ok.. I better stop complaining. It's still plus something degree so it's not so bad. :P "Mom.. do you think these are Christmas lights??"
It's hard to tell in this picture but we saw more christmas decorations on the street.
You probably notice my winter coat, huh?
Yes, winter has arrived!
Have a good weekend, everyone!!
Momo/J & R


Sophie Brador said...

Hey Momo, I think it might be a bit colder in TO than in Mtl. I heard you guys had a bit of snow yesterday. I can't wait for the snow. My mom seems indifferent, but that;s probably becasue she doesn't like to roll in it as much as I do.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Momo
Sure you enjoyed Sidney! Its a great place!
We are having a very strange weather here. One minute is cold the next is hot! My mom says thats why people get sick in this time! I haven't seen Christmas lights here but sure I will pretty soon!
Enjoy your weekend

Boo Casanova said...

momo, x'mas is coming x'mas is coming! i'm so glad coz i get to see beautiful decoration. LOL

wet wet licks


Asta said...

It was waining hewe all day too and it feels like midnight when it's only five PM..stwange.
You suwe look good in youw coat..awe you kwistmas shopping aweady??I'm sooo behind on evewything
see you soon
smoochie kisses

Stanley said...

Hey, Momo!!

Just how cold is it in Toronto now? It's been cold overnight & in the morning here (high 30s or low 40s), but then it gets kinda nice and warm (high 60s or low 70s), so I'm a little seasonally confused.

Sounds like a good time in Sydney! You are such an international pup!

Goober love,

Byron y Xinver said...

Hi, Momo. We think Christmas time arrives earlier and earlier... In our last post Xinver wrote something about his breed, but unfortunately the Boss is tired to translate...... But, if you are interested, have a look here:
The spanish waterdog is a breed you can find only in Spain but it is spreading all over the world, since this is a wonderful breed.
Happy weekend.

Duke said...

We love that purple tree in the first picture. What kind of tree blooms purple like that?
We can't wait for snow and Christmas lights and every thing Christmas! It's such a fun time of the year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

jaffeboy said...

hey there.... winter is brutal huh?!

MaMa says she'll need to get us some sweaters when we finally go to TO, which I hope will be soon!!!

Jiro@Rocky Loot said...

Christmas is in the air already..the lights are so nice..
For Malaysia...hwve yet to see any Christmas deco yet..and here is summer all year round..:(

Jiro@Rocky Loot said...

woof woof woof, woofing all the way.!Marry Christmas...ooops..hopes it's not too early to wish ...:)

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh you so lucky goin to visit in Sydney and all!

I am very envious!

It has been quite warm and sunny here but this weekend the weather changed to cold and very windy.

I like your Christmas lights, we get ours in the streets very soon!

Happy Saturday, love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Sassy Kat said...

I noticed that you had to wear a sweater so you must be having colder weather. Things will warm up for you weather wise.

Hey, I stopped in to remind you that tomorrow is Opus & Roscoe's Mafia Movie Marathon in Italy. They will posting photos of their guests who come in costume. If you don't want to dress up that is OK. Oh boy another all day party!!!

Oh I almost forgot., I am bringing some bootleg gin & beer with me that I picked up while I was visiting Chicago. Hope to see you there, will be fun seeing you again.

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Momo!
That's perfectly fine, in fact, that's pawsome! We love it when people post the things we make fur them on their pages! So thank you!
Have a pawsome weekend!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Davis, o nosso shar pei said...

I like your coat!We still have a lot of sun in Portugal.It's unusual.But it's good!!So warm!I would like to be your friend too!Auuff!

Thor and Jack said...

In Brazil is spring. The time was very hot and dry but finally it is raining. The Christmas decorations start to appear.
Have a greet weekend, Momo!

Lots of licks

Headgirl said...

A travelling spaniel!
My Springer loved to go,go...

Pats & pats

the many Bs said...

Hi Momo, you look nice and cozy in your winter coat. we don't wear coats in the winter, but we have very thick curly hair that insulates us and keeps us warm. our mom got us reflective vests to wear when we go for walks outside in the dark. we feel silly in them, but she says it makes it easier for cars to see us. hee hee


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi sissy-Momo,
3 degs? Brrrrrrrr. It's cold! No wonder you have your winter coat on. Some of the kitties are drooling over how cute and handsome you and Charlie are.

We haven't any Christmas things up yet but it should be anytime soon. Stinking hot Christmas is not very atmospheric, even with roast lamb and turkey. SS's sister-in-law always does a Christmas lunch and we swelter through it all and have to have a dip in the pool later (well, probably not me - allergic to water!).

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

PS are you coming to Roscoe and Opus for the Mafia movie night. I am going as Scarface MoMo - look for me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Momo,

looks like a very nice holiday-trip for you!

Greetings form cold and rainy Germany...

Anonymous said...

I don't like winter either Momo - I'm definitely a summer dog - you do look beautiful in your winter coat though!


Lizzy said...

What a beautiful place! You look like you're enjoying it. Have a good weekend!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Sissy Momo, please go to
and vote for the best dressed human. Roscoe and Opus's cool human is there

Baily said...

brrrr, we are cold over here too. and it's getting dark way to early too.
i think there is a conspiracy going on to steal the sun.
weird, the same thing happened last year.....

nose licks

Snowball said...

The picture from Sydney look really pretty. The christmas lighting here should be up pretty soon too but we dun get the cold weather... its so unfair...


Cat Naps in Italy said...

What a wonderful trip that was. We really enjoyed our picnic with you.

Be sure to come on over for Mafia movie night. You know all dogs are welcome (cats and humans too).

Don Gattone and Lefty Litterpaw

Frances Louise said...

You are stylin' in your coat. Yup, we are just like you - colder and darker now. Can't wait til spring.

Daisy said...

Momo, I am glad you had fun in Sydney. Momo-cat is very nice.

I really like your fancy winter coat, it is very fashionable. I just added you to my links, too!

Davis, o nosso shar pei said...

Hello my friend in Canada!I think that there are not that many shar pei around...?!!!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey, sissy Momo, you were very quiet at the party. Thought you might have left when I got there.

The Cat Realm said...

Dogs are always welcome at my blog, as are any other animals or even humans!!! I am the originator of the nomss friend Dare - I promote inter-species understanding and friendship!
You are a very cute dog!
Your friend Karl

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey, u look amazing in ur coat! We noticed how dark it is at night after dinner when we do our walkies. Mumsie can't see all of the nasty things on the sidewalk, so it makes it much easier for Scruffy and me to pick up junk and swallow it...MMMMMMMM....

What's Christmas? Scuffy says it's amazing. But he says that bout snow, too. I've never seen either. Snow isn't like thunder is it? I don't like storms.

Bet you guys really have to bundle up up there!

Stay warm, Momo!!

Scruffy and Lacie

Sassy Kat said...

Good to see you at the Mafia party, boy that was fun. I stopped by to let you know that there is a new ballot for the soap title. Voting will start Monday at 11:00 am est and end Tuesday at 9:00 pm est. There were so many entries that there are two ballots so be sure to look at both of them but please vote for only one title.

Amber said...

Hey Momo, I bet is really cold during winter! Are you looking forward to the snow? I wish there's snow here too.. Is hot whole year round.
I'm so excited you send me sumthing! I'll be waiting at the door for the postman :)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey sissy-Momo, hope you got home OK. I'm not that popular - most of those 21 comments were just banterings between me and the Canberra gang (Tigger, Trixie and Pyewacket).

Xsara and Tani said...

Hello cutie! You look so nice in your coat :) Thank you for returning to our blog - of course you can link to us. We already have a link to your blog, I hope that's OK. We really enjoy reading your Diary!
Have fun - B&X

Ashley said...

Wow... Sydney, you are a traveling doggie ;)
Thanks for checking out my travel blog!