Monday, September 09, 2024

Is summer over?

 Hello my friends! It's me Juno! 
I hope you had an enjoyable summer.

Mmmmm... where did August go?  
It's gone so quickly while I was taking a nap!

Happy Barkday Pro!
He turned 16 in mid-August!

16 means he's old enough to take a knowledge test and 
if he passes, he can practise driving in public. 

Well...  one major condition is that you need to have an experienced 
driver on the passenger seat. 

Anyway.. let's not talk about this since mom is freaking out!
(Real driving in Toronto and imaginary driving with PlaySation are 
two different thingy!)

Back to barkday, Bro gave me a huge piece of cake and I loved it!

Me and bro time.

This day I found a unique shaped stick!

Maybe another doggie left it on the side walk but 
it's mine now.
I was showing off to everyone!

Look at this piece of art!

I was super proud!  hehehe

The weather is getting cooler and cooler and mom says
the autumn sky looks great. 

A long summer break is over and the new school year began 
after the labour day long weekend.

Have a great school year Bro!.
We can't believe you're grade 11 this year!

While he was at school, tada~!, my old tennis ball was appeared from

And it was disappeared to somewhere.  Maybe under the
coffee table??

Have a great week!

Juno/J & R