Monday, May 14, 2012

Double Celebrations!

How was your weekend?
We had a busy but fun weekend.

First of all, past Saturday was a very special day!

"Happy Barkday, daddy!"

  "We just revealed your age to the world, dad!" bol
 Mom doesn't bake as you know so she got a huge lemon meringue.

"Why our portions are so tiny??"

Later on, mom took dad out for a barkday dinner
without kids after four years of long wait.  

We stayed home with brudder's nanny who is a doggie pawson and
had a lot of fun.  
(shhhhhh... this is a secret!)

A huge platter!  Is that really dinner for two??

And... Sunday was ....

"Happy Mother's Day"

Brudder made some Mother's day pressies at daycare.
"Here's a flower and a free massage ticket for you, mommy"

Mom plans to keep this coupon without expiration date for a very long time!
 He also made a hand-made card.

Dear mommy,  James

Mom loves the cards we picked.

Can you guess what the pressie is??  :D  :D

Dad did BBQ and made mom's favourite seafood pizza.

Brudder was about to serve ice cream.  :) :)

Toppings are....
Gorgonzola, baby Bocconcini, onions, mushrooms, red peppers, 
baby scallops and smoked salmon.

Grilled Tiger Shrimp appetizer was good, too.


Dad and mom finally placed the chairs and flower planters
 on our front porch.
After the photo shoot, brudder's old child safety gate was installed.
(Hey, this is still useful!)
So we can relax and 
woooooof to our pedestrians.

Sniff'n'greeting is now easy!

Momo & Pinot/J & R

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Bubbly Sunday!

Can you see what dad got for us? 

Brudder and I had a lot of fun.

Ha, I got the bubble!

Hope all of you had a relaxing Sunday. 

Momo & Pinot/J & R