Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

We hope all of you are having pawsome with your family and friends during the holidays.
This is how we spent our day on Christmas.
"Gooooood morning!! Was Santa here last night?"
Our brudder received many toys.
(Pinot) "ahh.. wooden trains. These are chewable!!" :D
Looks like our brudder rested on his pressie.
Mom helped us to open our pressies.
(Momo) "More snacks for me?"
While we were sniffing pressies, our brudder grabbed dad's lens cap.
Looks like anything could be his toy. hehehe..
Then he had a test run on his new bike.
I Pinot got these teeny tiny frisbees (a bit of history is here.)
from Japan (but these are actually made in USA.!).
The package says it's the official frisbee at the frisbee dog competition in Japan & is
So must be good!
"I wonder if it's big enough for dad to throw it!"
I Pinot received two more frisbees. Yay!
We chased each other and had some fun.
Let us introduce our chef (as you already know). :) :)
Mr. Birdy!
"We'll wait until your mission is completed.. chef!"
"Can I give you a paw?"
"The veggies are looking good!!"
The pot in the centre was prepared for us!
Dad prepared Mr. Birdy in a BigGreemEgg on the balcony.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you smell pawntastic!"
I saw nutcrackers aka our name card holders.
Then dinner for us!!!!
"Dad.... Exceeeeel..... I can't talk now."
Meantime dad and brudder had some fun...
The dinner was ready!
They were still having fun..
Dad, thank you again for yummy dinner!!
Our brudder didn't eat turkey (!!) but he enjoyed
stuffing like our mom.
What? We only have one more day to the new year??
We hope year 2010 will bring you a lot of happiness and joys.
Have a wonderful new year to you!
Momo & Pinot/J & R
PS: Thank you for your concerns about my coat. I Pinot is doing great.
Just before we checked out the pet hotel, we were groomed but the groomer mixed up our pawrents' request
and my heavy mats weren't removed. That's the reason why our dad decided to shave them off!!!
I am new Pinot!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Extreme Makeover: Cavalier Edition

I am bald.
My pawrents think I look like a puppy again.
Pinot/J & R
PS: Our Christmas photos will be posted shortly.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!!

Humans often says time does fly. Now we know what it really means...
It's time to welcome Mr. Birdy on the table again!! Yay! Yay!!
Best wishes to all of our friends and families.
Momo & Pinot/J & R

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mom and brudder are back!

Yes, they are finally back. They returned from a month visit to Japan a few days ago.
They're still jet lagged and tired
but today we had a short walky together.
Grrr.. A big storm hit Toronto a day before their return and
the park was still nasty!!! :(
Can you believe Christmas is around the corner?
Big hugs
Momo & Pinot/J &R

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

We're home!

Hello everyone! Thank you very much for well wishes on our last post.
Our dad is finally home!!
He picked us up shortly after his arrival to Toronto yesterday.
Ahhhhh... we were so excited to see him.
"We're so happy to see you again, dad!"
Meantime we have to send our big hugs to all hotel staff members.
Thank you for looking after us.
The chief editor of our blog and our brudder are still travelling overseas
and they are doing very well. We can't wait to see them soon.
We're very much looking forward to catching you up shortly.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Momo & Pinot/J & R